:shock: WOW!!! I'm in painter's paradise with allthese wonderful bunny-painting options!!! I can't wait to actuallystart painting portraits of all of these wonderful bunnies!
I've started sketching out Carolyn's bunny, and once that's finished I'll get to start having fun with watercolor......
I figure with all the pictures that people have graciously allowed meto use I wont have any lack of inspiration for a long, long time

I'll be sure to let each and everyone of you know when I get theportraits done of each bunny.
Pam, I've never been to a rabbit show, so I had no clue that specialtybreed clubs gave awards (I guess i always thought they gave onlyribbons or something like that) but the idea of original, one of a kindawards is really interesting. I dont think it would be very hard to doa painting on a plate or on pottery. I dont think it would be verycostly either. It sounds like such a great idea!
I'm getting a website thing going where I'm able to put all my artworkon custom tee shirts, posters, coasters, mouse pads, decorativecollector's boxes, gift tiles, postcards, greeting cards, etc. Steins,mugs, and clocks are even offered...... once i've got the designsuploaded to the site I'll have to post the link.... I'd really love tomake a series of bunny tees, and some cute things like that... This iswhy i'd like to see how I do on the rabbit paintings. I've done artworkof so many other creatures, people, etc.... I thought i'd better getstarted on bunnies.