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The sugary stuff isnt good for them and neitherare the pellets. Kaytee fiesta doesnt carry enough fiber thata rabbit needs in its diet. And if I remember right theres also cornmixed into it. it may or may not be ok as a treat, but I definatelywouldn't feed any of that junk to my rabbits period.Once Idid try feeding it. The rabbits wouldn'teatit.She's better off going with a good name brandlike purina or manna pro.
I believe that bunnylover is just trying anythingshe can to get her bun to eat. She has said that she knows this stuffis bad for her bun and she just wants it to eat. If I am correct shehas said that she will go back to normal feeding when the bun starts toeat again. Right now she is just trying everything she can for her toeat.
yes I realize that. But her best bet is to haveher checked out by a vet to determine why she isnt eating. Usually whena rabbit stops eating it could be signs of anything from a blockage tococcidiousis. There is the possibilty that the rabbit might be snubbingthe food for some reason too. Which a healthier diet would helpcorrect.
gypsy wrote:
Alfie and angel i havea question , If it isnt her cat and is aneighbors cat WHYshould she have it spayed ? whyshould she go thru that expense forsomeone elses stupidity ? nough said .
Aside from the expense, she's also risking the wrath of the neighbourwho owns tje catif she doesn't get permission.Maybe present them withthe choice ofeither the vetbill ora fostering fee? But then you run the riskof them moving the cats to be neglected under their domain, so ....

Tough situation.

There should just be a 'stupid' tax with the money going to cover mistakes made by stupid people.

yeah, 'stupid tax' sounds a good idea.

I agree totally about the neighbours. I really wrote that very 1stthing about spayin right afterbunnylover said she was feedinga stray cat but before she said itbelonged to the neighbours.

alfie and angel wrote:
yeah, 'stupid tax' sounds a good idea.

I agree totally about the neighbours. I really wrote that very 1stthing about spayin right afterbunnylover said she was feedinga stray cat but before she said itbelonged to the neighbours.

Hey, neighbour's cat or not, getting her spayed is still agreatidea. Maybe wait 'til they go on vacation, getit doneout of the neighbourhood and just don't tellthem. By the time they get back, maybe they won'tnotice. And if they do notice and ask about it, just looksurprised.:shock:

SAS :cool:
If the cat is running all over the neighborhood,and they aren't taking care of it, its fair game for anyone who wantsto take it in. If they are neglecting like that then they've prettymuch abandoned it by the sounds of things. I bet they wouldn't evencare if their cat came up missing, by someone else claiming it tospayed.
Listen i had saidand i quote !! "" fed as a treat ," Ifthe rabbit isnt eating nowanything she can get into itfor food is a GOOD! thing , afterit comes back into a normal eatingpattern then she can get betterfood for it ,

Dixon : I agree the rabbitshould see a vet butdont you thinka gentler kinda of way ofexplaining things would get you a bitfurther than being harsh andjudgemental ? Bunnylover is justa kid for starters it isnt herresponsability to spay anyone elsescat, Not to mention money spenton someone elses animal ismoney taken away from her own unless youplan to throw in for that catsspay ! . This is the second time you havegone after this child in a harsh way iwouldnt suggest doing it again.
gypsy wrote:
Dixon : I agree therabbit should see a vetbut dont youthink a gentler kindaof way of explaining things would get youa bit further thanbeing harsh and judgemental ? Bunnyloveris just a kid forstarters it isnt her responsabilityto spay anyone elses cat, Notto mention money spent on someoneelses animal is money taken away from herown unless you plan to throw infor that cats spay ! . Thisis the second time you havegone after this child in a harsh way iwouldnt suggest doing it again.

Have to second that emotion. Bunnylover seems to be takingsome harsh hits and it's not fair or necessary when she's sincerelytrying to get some assistance.

Your rabbit could be consipated, try to give heroats. Oats will open her up and loosen her poop. I think she might justhave a little stomachache. How long has she been doing this? She mighhave caught something. I don't want to tell you what happened to myrabbit who was only a year old and was pregnant till she died, she hadthe same action. I'll be setting up a new topic for rabbit or animalstories.

Also try to use a pincher thing you can fill up and pinch the blackthing to squirt things out try that to give water to her. Thats mighthelp her get somehting into her.

Jack and Marshmellow's Mom

**Also try to use a pincher thing youcan fill up and pinch the black thing to squirt things out try that togive water to her. Thats might help her get somehting into her.**

This really isnt the tool ofchoice when trying to administer fluids, too hard a squeeze and therabbit can asperate it ( breath it in) use a regular serynge without the needle , less chanceand greater control!.
just a reminder that hand feeding her liquids isa last resort, it can cause other problems. first see how shedoes with wet leafy veggies, carrot tops, etc.

has anybody suggested NutriCal yet? its a pet supplement (not just rabbits) that comes in a tube.

good luck! (and good job, so far).

Sorry. Im not trying to single out orintentionally go after her. I happen to have some strong points of viewon things. I realized that the cat wasn't hers after I made my firstpost. But, trying to do something for it would make more sense. All Iam doing is trying to help by suggesting she see a vet, because youneverknow what is going on withtherabbit.Esp after they have been through a couple of dogattacks.Reading through posts like this makes me incrediblysad. Again im not intentionally attacking anyone. Just have astrong opinion and some experience on it.
Hi, I have just finished setting up Tiger's bed(shelter) for her on the porch... It has 3 blankets set up and a waterproof mat underneath that. We can not afford to get her spayed as weare taking care of a allergy ridden dog (lots of medical expensive)...We also pay $600 a month to take care of my horse... Then pay for 3other cats (toby, tammy, and angel). We also have another dog and 3rabbits. I also gave tiger her own food and water dish filled with catfood that we feed our animals.

I am still worried about my bun but it does seem like she may haveeaten a little bit when I went out there to check her this morning. Icant get ahold of my mom so I will have to wait till this weekend toget her vitamins and stuff (but my mom is worried about her to so itshould not be a problem).
Bell is starting to eat a little more aftergetting some pinapple and my mom picked up pumkin stuff today. Tigerhas had her kittens 2 days ago. I don't have pictures of them but willtry describing.

4 kittens; 1 orange and white one!! 2 black; 1 with a diamond on hisforhead and white stripeson the legs- 1 all black, whitestripes down legs and white circles around eyes. 1 silver; very softand sweet, very nice and social (LOUD!!)

I love the orange one! I used to have a kitten that was named PC(peaches and cream) and he died after sneaking out and getting hit by acar. This orange kitten looks exactly like him and I want him so much!Me and my friends have come up with a plan. She is going to take thekitten once it is old enough. Keep it till my birthday and then give itto me as a present. (My mom says if I got an animal for my birthdaythat I could keep it). So that is plan A! Plan B is to BEGG!!

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