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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2005
Reaction score
Hutto, Texas, USA
I am worried about my bun... She is not eating alot and is not drinking barely anything even though I give her freshwater every morning! We fed her healthy pellets but she refused to eatthem so we changed her to the unhealthy stuff (just as long as sheeats). So right now she eats (not really) fiesta. Then she gets raisinseveryday (once) and fresh Timothy hay. I fill her water bottle everydaybut she doesn't even drink a inch from the water bottle! The only thingI ever know she is actually eating is raisins because I watch her eatthem.

I am also worried about my cat because she is pregnant and looks likeshe is going to POP!! but, my mom wont let her in the house (she is notreally ours, just a stray we feed). I am worried she will have kittensoutside/ or a animal will get her and the kittens. She is extremely fatthis time (her 3rd litter in 2 yrs.) and we think it will be a largelitter. She is a tortishell cat, very pretty. Her name is tiger!
if the kittens are born outside they will becomeferel cats, and be VERY WILD most likely, but it is not yourresponsiblitly to bring her in so dont feel bad but I would try to gether under some type of shelter.JMO
Fiesta is a junk food. Its not good for yourrabbit. It has too many colorful things in it that are not good forbunnies to eat. Your best bet would be to visit a local mill and seewhat they have. They will carry feed that is better prepared, andnutritionally safe for your rabbit. You can store the extra feed in arubber maid container so it doesn't spoil.

That said, anytime your rabbit stops eating, something is wrong. Sheneeds to be taken to a rabbit savy vet. If this is the rabbit thatsurvived the dog atack, then that might be part of the problem theretoo. Also how much of that junk food are you feeding her? Sometimes ifyou overfeed your rabbit, it will go off its feed. She should get nomore or less then a half a cup, or a whole cup of feed per day. Otherthen that see a vet.

Does the momma cat have a building she can get into to have the kittensin? Kittens that are born outside are more exposed to dieases likefeline leukemia. And sometimes do die because of the fact that they arekept outside. Are you guys going to find homes for the kittens? Also itmight not be a bad idea to try talking your mom into spaying your catin the future. It would at least solve the problem of her having a tonof kittens. I know this gonna sound mean, but if you dont want thekittens, and dont want to spay the mom, then take her down to the localhumane society so she would at least have a chance at finding a goodhome.
We realize fiesta is a junk food and also feedher DUMOR! But she refuses to eat anything so I guess it does notmatter what is in the bowl. We had Dumor in there for about 3 weeks andshe still wont eat any of it... except may be a few nibbles once in awhile, so we tried Fiest mixed with Dumor, she still wont eat anything.

Again, the cat is not ours. One of our neighbors owns it, they justdont take care of her. We have reported them to the SPCA but they saidwe had to have proof as in photos, since we could not give them a hurtcat. We have already found homes for all the kittens even though theyare not born! She has our porch to have them on if she needs to...there is a blanket out there and some toys, a little bit of shelter forher. (keeps her out of the rain). The kids across the street (thenieghbor that owns the cat) enjoys having the kittens and they don'tcare about what happens to it as long as they can keep enjoying herbabies. We have done our part by at least feeding her since she couldjust starve to death. I even have to do it behind my moms back becauseshe claims we can not feed 5 cats (our cats plus her). All of our catsare fixed, frequently go to the vet, get check ups, and flee dips allthe time.
dixonsrabbitry wrote:
Does the momma cat have a building she can get into to have the kittensin? Kittens that are born outside are more exposed to dieases likefeline leukemia. And sometimes do die because of the fact that they arekept outside. Are you guys going to find homes for the kittens? Also itmight not be a bad idea to try talking your mom into spaying your catin the future. It would at least solve the problem of her having a tonof kittens. I know this gonna sound mean, but if you dont want thekittens, and dont want to spay the mom, then take her down to the localhumane society so she would at least have a chance at finding a goodhome.
Yeah, a garden shed or an outbuilding or something. Or perhaps an oldrabbit hutch (doors open obviously)placed in a quiet andshaded spot if there is nothin else available to you. If you put her anest somewhere safe and encourage her by feeding her in that spot, atleast you won't have to tail her to find out where she hid her babieslater. If tiger trusts you, you can still socialize her kittens (aftera week or so)so that they can find good homes more easily-semi-ferals are very difficult to home.

I agreeaboutdiseases but to add to that,if tiger is a stray, you might not know what she has already beenexposed to. If you have your own pets (esp. cats) its prob best not tobring her inside anyway aseven if they're vaccinated againstmajor things, minor infections/parasitescould still be passedon.

Seriously think about spaying her, as a stray, she could have had manylitters before she adopted you. Ifshe wasn't getting goodfood and being looked after before you rescued her that could reallywear her out!

I'm sure you'll help tiger look after the babies just great and I hopeyour bun is eatin now. Best wishes to you, bunny and tiger x x
Then something else is going on where she needsto see a vet. A good checkup, with a fecal exam, and anti-biotics(incase its a bacteria infection) will run anywhere from $20-$60. Maybemore depending on the vet. Also dumor isn't all that great of a feed.Its one of those that is corn based, and a corn based feed isn't goodfor your rabbit. I tried that feed once. My rabbits wouldn't eat it.The best name brands to purchase and feed your bun would be manna pro,kent, nutritional, blue seal, purina rabbit chow, and pen pals. There'sprobably a few other good name brands out there that i have missed.rabbit chow and manna pro runs about $8-$12 a bag. 25 pounds of rabbitchow is around $5 a bag. Its better nutrition wise, and doesn't havetoo much of a corn base to it.

That neighbor sounds like a terrible owner. People like that are themain reason why millions of cats end up in shelters, and god knows whatelse happens to some of them.
bunnylover78642 wrote:
She has our porch to have them on if she needsto... there is a blanket out there and some toys, a little bit ofshelter for her. (keeps her out of the rain).
Hey, thats good - like you say, it sounds like you're doin all youcan I guess if someone does actually own her you're in a bitof a difficult situation. It sounds as if she's lucky to have youcaring for her!:)
I have a extra bunny cage but it is all wire...Could I still use it if I put blankets inside to cover the wire? Idon't think my mom would mind that since she has had the last twolitters in our house (she is just tired of having to argue about thecat with the neighbors and take care of the kittens). I could put it onthe front porch so we could still feed her and check on her often. Iactually like that idea and have the perfect blanket in mind(especially since my mom just finished washing it):).
dixonsrabbitry wrote:
Then something else is going on where she needs to see avet. A good checkup, with a fecal exam, and anti-biotics(in case its abacteria infection) will run anywhere from $20-$60. Maybe moredepending on the vet. Also dumor isn't all that great of a feed. Itsone of those that is corn based, and a corn based feed isn't good foryour rabbit. I tried that feed once. My rabbits wouldn't eat it. Thebest name brands to purchase and feed your bun would be manna pro,kent, nutritional, blue seal, purina rabbit chow, and pen pals. There'sprobably a few other good name brands out there that i have missed.rabbit chow and manna pro runs about $8-$12 a bag. 25 pounds of rabbitchow is around $5 a bag. Its better nutrition wise, and doesn't havetoo much of a corn base to it.

That neighbor sounds like a terrible owner. People like that are themain reason why millions of cats end up in shelters, and god knows whatelse happens to some of them.
Well, I will make sure I get something else... Any idea how toget rid of a 50lb. bag that the bunnies refuse to eat? Where do you buyyours? We cant order offline and my mom bought this stuff while I wasin Arizona (visting my dad for the christmas break).
bunnylover78642 wrote:
I have a extra bunny cage but it is all wire... Could Istill use it if I put blankets inside to cover the wire? I don't thinkmy mom would mind that since she has had the last two litters in ourhouse (she is just tired of having to argue about the cat with theneighbors and take care of the kittens). I could put it on the frontporch so we could still feed her and check on her often. I actuallylike that idea and have the perfect blanket in mind (especially sincemy mom just finished washing it):).

Yeah, why don't you put plenty of old newspaper in the bottom first sothe wire is not uncomfortable for tiger and the new kittens, then putthe blanket in over that. Also, mother cats like to be really privatewhen their babies are first born (I'm sure you already know this ifshe's had litters before)and the babies mightbefrightened if the cage is all wire and see-thru - so I'dput a really big blanket or an old towel or bedsheet over the top ofthe whole thing coz that'll make it dark and comfy - I think cats feelsafer if they have a dark hiding place. They're gonna looksooo sweet all cuddled up in their new house!:cool:
What about greens? Is sheeating her greens? If she's not drinking much water, reallyimportant to give her lots and lots of wet, leafy greens -- carrottops, dandelion leaves, etc.

Will she eat oats?

You're right to give her whatever she's going to eat in the short termjust to get her eating. No point in only offering her greatfood if she doesn't eat it.

Is she pooping okay? Is she active? Getting some extra exercize might build her appetite.

Good luck with her and Tiger. Sounds like they're in good hands (although yes, the bunny should see a vet).
I get mine right out of a regular feed store. Ifyou are getting dumor then you should be able to find manna pro rightat tsc tractor supply.
Bunny lover : trygiving her somepumpkin what no one elsehas mentioned is that she mayhave a hair ball , and you can try givingher some liquid pineapplejuice from a syeringe , If shehas a fur blockage she isnt going towant to eat anything but at least theraisins are a sorce of proteinand some iron , at least it ISsomething , I use Feiesta as atreat and i also willuse it along with anypregnant Doe's that come in , theyare generally so undernourished that it actuallyHELPS them as apposed to harming them ,.My Vet recomended it for them .It isnt all that bad as long asgivin in moderation .

The only Junk in Katees Feiestafeeds is the highsugar vegtables , sweet potatoes, apples, bananas , which inturn might not be causing theproblme at all , This other feedyou mentioned i cannot commenton because i have never heard of it ,

If the pumpkin andpineapple dont workhon take her to avet soon , As forthe cat that isnt yours and isa stray , Hon if yourvery worried about her please call thehumane society and have themcome for her , at least she will betaken care of thekittens will find homesand she will bespayed and put up for adoption , Itsreally all you can do ,

Alfie and angel i havea question , If it isnt her cat and is aneighbors cat WHYshould she have it spayed ? whyshould she go thru that expense forsomeone elses stupidity ? nough said .

Thanks for the suggestions


pumpkin, pinapple, fresh greens and keep with the raisins (oops forgot)oats... Is that is... I will get my mom to go to the store tomorrow andthen tell you how she is doing... Bye the way, she is pooping alot,just like always! I am worried about tiger still but am hoping thatafter I give her a new house (in the morning) that she will be fine.
Once she starts eatingagain i would definately limit heron the raisins just acouple now and again , rememberit is another one of those highsugar fruits, also can youget some nutri-cal and giveher about a 1/2 inch or so tillher appitite returns , goodluck hon keep us posted.
bunnylover78642 wrote:
I am worried about tiger still but am hoping that after Igive her a new house (in the morning) that she will be fine.
I remember spending days setting up the perfect indoor maternity wardfor our stray cat and she had them under the house. The nexttime, I spent a lot of time setting up a place under the house, and shesnuck in and had them in my closet. The third litter, I madea safe haven in the closet, she had them under a car.

Then I saved my pennies and got her spayed. She wasn't mycat, but figured it was in lieu of a donation to a shelter.They'd spend the money on spaying astray,anyway. Figured I'd be also saving15 other cats from being put down seeing asshe'd have atleast three more litters if I didn't do something. Most ofthemwere pretty homely little kittens, not too high up theadoption ladder. I kept two of them, mind you, andtheygrew into very pretty cats. Fourteenyears later, I still have them. :)


gypsy wrote:
Alfie and angel i havea question , If it isnt her cat and is aneighbors cat WHYshould she have it spayed ? whyshould she go thru that expense forsomeone elses stupidity ? nough said .
Hi gypsy

I wrote that whilst bunnylover78642 was writing a reply, when it cameup, I read her reply and realised it still 'belonged' to a neighbour. Ican't speak for other countries but in the uk we have (a few) neuterclinics who would be willing to spay for free/reduced cost. I thought Iremembered you run a bunny rescue (sorry if wrong) so not tryingtolecture my betters. That may not be an option in this caseand I did not realise at the time of writing that the cat was not'owned'. That makes it a difficult question of responsibility.(althoughshe sounds like she's in very good hands with , bunnylover)Wereshe a stray I'd suggest spaying for the good of themother and future litters- its just my opinion but why shouldTHEY pay for someone else's stupidity?

But like i say - my own opinion - have no problem with others.
Pipp wrote:
Then I saved my pennies and got her spayed. She wasn't mycat, but figured it was in lieu of a donation to a shelter.They'd spend the money on spaying astray,anyway. Figured I'd be also saving15 other cats from being put down seeing asshe'd have atleast three more litters if I didn't do something.

Yep, thats what I meant in my above post. I don't think I explainedvery well so forgive the quote in place of further bad explanation.


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