Hey Lego, don't steal his lettuce!!
I agree about the videos. He looks alert, and it's great to see him eating on his own. The more hay and romaine he eats, the better he will feel! He has a brightness in his eyes that tells me he's alert and normal in there, but it just seems like gravity is turned the wrong way!
You can definitelly give ovol with every feeding, and it's a relatively safe drug, so the amount dquesnel said sounds fine as a max. The way simethicone works is that it acts directly on the ingested food to get more gas dissolved in the liquid--it's a surfactant that increases gas's solubility in liquid. Therefore, it doesn't actually go into the cells of the body or out of the digestive tract to do stuff, so the side effects are very minimal.
I just checked our walgreens, and couldn't find meclizine... I didn't ask around though. It's probably something they carry, but it wasn't with the other tummy medicine or the other anti-seasickness stuff (which has an antihistamine as the active ingredient, that's why Dramamine normal formula makes you drowsy). I think your best bet will be a big store like Wal-Mart or asking the pharmacist at Walgreens to help you find Meclizine.
I think the gas comes from his diet--he probably ate a lot more, particularly more hay before. It could be from Pen G, but that seems to be pretty good about not having many GI side effects. The probiotic should help with that.
Also, if you want me to send some Bene-Bac and try to find some Meclizine, please let me know as I go on vacation tomorrow and might not be able to while I'm on vacation.