Worried about my daughter

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I don'tknow if this will help or not but when I was Young (8-13) I had theexact symptoms as your daughter is having,Acting out, Getting snippywith everybody,and just wanting to sleep because my HeadHurtSoo Bad.My Mom took me to see many many Doctors and spentThousands finally my Uncle suggested that I seehisChiropractor and I haven't had severe Headache since my Neck injury6yrs ago and I'm now 46. He did minor back adjustments 3 times a weekfor 6 months to realign my Spine.

Just remember that when she acts Out and throws things it's Not herFault as the Pain Really is unbearable, Of coarse I'm sure you knowThis.:goodluck And I'll Pray:pray: for You and Your Daughter and God Bless!

Mike E.

"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
"Involve Me,I'll Understand"

binkies wrote:
Narrowed it down (in my head of course). Either allergies tothe dust in the air at school or her eyes (as mentioned). The schoolsdont clean the air filters as often as it should be done, and of courseas others have said bad eyes can make you hurt.
If it were allergies,i'm sure you would see other symptoms likewatering eyesand itiching and coughing and sneezingetc.....but then other people do react differently to things

Before my niece had her eyes tested,Nichole had so much trouble atschool,she wouldn't do her work..all she did was just sit there,shecomplained about having a headache all the time,she had her eyes testedand that was the problem...this is why i was thinking it was Olivia'seyes,she just might need glasses

Have you found out anything yet?


Since there is no Childrens hospital here inWest Virginia. How far are you from Pittsburgh. They got one of thebest pediatrics and childrens hospital. Sometimes people make the triplonger to find out what is wrong.

It sounds to me there is something going on in the schoo. I rememberwhen I was in high school they were putting fresh new tar on the roofof the school building. The smell was so bad that I had headaches.Everything in me hurt, my eyes would, throat you name it.

Have you spoken with the principal about this.
Since having her sinus infection treated, there have been no more headaches. But she has still been VERY tired.

I went to school to her chrismas party and she sat at her desk whilethe rest of the kids played and danced. She was the last child to getup and go get her treat bag. It broke my heart. I literally went in thehall and cried.

I am hoping that the long vacation will help her recover.
I'm just seeing this now. I'm sending warm thoughts to you.

My mom had a body cleanse b/c of Candida and it totally helped.

has the school been tested for asbestos? (sp?) or mold, or otherfunguses that could be in the air. Do they check theirmonoxide levels? Is it in any specific classrooms that it'shappening, or everywhere?

good luck to you.
I am wondering if it might be something uniqueto the environment of her classroom. Since it is winter breakand between semesters/quarters, is it possible to transfer her toanother class to if thereareany changes?
She has been reallly great during the break. Her100% self. So if things go back to the way it was, I am going to haveto do something drastic. Not sure what, but I will figure it out.
I don't know that much about children (only amom to animals) but unless this could be determined to be some kind ofpsychosomatic way for her to avoid something that is upsetting her atschool it seems that it must have something to do with an environmentalissue in that buildong that she is very sensitve too. Is their any waythatyou could take her to a child psychologist or psychiatrist thatwould be able to separate the emotional from the ohysical. I amoriginally from Chicago where we had a childrens hospital (Childrensmemorial) that would have run every single test possible to determinewhat is creating this. She should have an MRI of her head, I understandthat you are doing everything in your power to help her and since I amalso in a smaller city now I can understand the difficulty in gettinganyone to take this seriously. You are doing a great job by beingpersistent and if I were you I would continue with it. I'm really sorrythat things have been so difficult for both of you for so long.
What you should do is not give up on finding outwhat is wrong. Keep insisting that test be done even if sheneeds to go to a special facility for a day. You don't wantthis to go away then keep coming back.

The headaches could be anything from eye strain to sinus to anythingelse. When I get severe sinus headaches I don't feel likeeating and forget what I am doing sometimes. I get nausioussometimes to. I get them a lot less that I used to.I cannot take sinus medication because they get he high. Minetend to fee like my eye is being poked out or sometimes my teeth mighthurt also(long roots).

Don't be surprised if it could be environment related. Ifreind of mine and his wife had been sick all year like aflue. They ended up remodeling their basement and found moldall over the place. After getting it cleaned up right andfinished they feel fine. Not much is understood about moldreations yet.

Hmm... 100% at home during holidays, but notfeeling well at school in the day... I agree with angieluv.Environmental or psychosomatic. I really hope you figure thisout - it must be very hearbreaking not to know what is goingon. Is it only at school? Is changing schools anoption - even for a short while to see if that helps?


I am going to try very hard to get her eyeschecked today. I am a child care provider for a living and the house isfull. But my husband is going to try to get home in time to watch thekids so I can take her.

She still claims she can see very good, but if you don't know what goodeyesight truely is, then you have no clue. I was amazed at thedifference when I got my glasses.

It makes sense, because she complains after doing her schoolwork. Andtoday she told me that her head hurt when she was trying to play a dvdgame. Said that the tv was too far away. Which it isn't. It is at thefoot of her full size bed.
Sounds like getting her eyes checked would be a good idea :hug2:
That definitely sounds like a great idea, aplace to start. I'm just wondering though, needing glasseswouldn't expain feeling sick or the other weird symptoms, just athought. Good place to start, let us know what the docsays. Good Luck!
I know someone brought up the eye thing earlier.I wasn't ignoring you. Just checking everything out. Since she hasntbeen doing work, she hasnt been complaining about anything except forthe thing last night.
Another thing is thyroid. I know yousaid they checked her blood, but they dont' normally check thyroid inchildren. I know when mine goes way out of whack I can getVERY goofy. I get crabby, moody, achey, tired, headachey and just downright witchy. I also deal with weightgain/loss depending on which way it was going at the time. Ihave been told though in kids that the weight gain/loss doesn't alwaysshow up as they are growing and its harder to track.

Have you tried having her do work at home? Maybehave her at home for a day or two with all of her schoolwork and seehow that goes? If she still has theissues maybe it does have something to do with herwork/eyesight. If not then it might be something classroomrelated.

As a homeschooling mom I do remember the stresses from before when mychildren were in public school. Since they are homeschooledwe don't have nearly the headaches, bouts of bad behavior,etc. Alot of theirs were due to stress(yes kids get it), worry over tests, dealing with kids bullying (andkids can bully with the teacher never being aware of it), and things asstupid as the menu for lunch that day. I have one allergic tored dye (sends him straight through the roof to the point you want tolock him in a closet). Good luck hon in finding out theanswers. I would say if nothing is foundwith the eye doctor maybe a good child psychologist could find someanswers for you.
They did do a thyroid. I remember seeing it onthe orders. But thank you for trying. My husband went ahead and made a3:30 appt. for the eye doctor. I know it is horrible, but I hope sheneeds glasses. It would be a nice easy solution.
binkies wrote:
Ok. We are back. She is farsighted with astigmatism.
I'm the same way (except astigmatism in both eyes, one farsighted, onenear sighted). I had HORRIBLE migraines from my eyes before I gotglasses, and I could concentrate so much better in school. Word to thewise, get her a new prescription every 2 years. I'd start to getmigraines around 2 years from my last prescription; that's my key toget a new one. Anyway, I hope this solves all the issues your daughteris having :fingers crossed: :pray:

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