Wormies- Any idea on type? Very long

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Ok, thanks. Yup, we can and will get everyone done. Thanks :) I'll see what the vet says when he sees it as to whether or not we need to get ourselves done.

It was far easier when I thought it was pinworms because those are rabbit specific.

Thanks :)
Monsters Inside Me is an awesome (but disturbing program) about parasites that can infect humans. The larval state is the most dangerous because larvae often migrate to the brain, creating cysts that can be lethal.

I'm really, really not sure I can watch that :|

This whole thing is far too grim for my liking.

Thanks for taking the time to reply again Pam.
They look like roundworms to me.

My dog just recently got over roundworms. My vet explained them to me as looking like long, thin pieces of spaghetti.

They weren't too bad to treat, but grossed me out. My rabbit vet gave me revolution to put on all the rabbits, just in case they caught any roundworms from the dog. I don't think they did - but I didn't want to take any chances.
Did you treat yourself as well Dragonrain? Sorry$to have to ask that, but I'm not too bothered abut treating and dealing with the rabbits and their wormies, but its treating myself that I'm freaking out about.

Its good to know they weren't too hard to get rid of though, thank you.
No I didn't treat myself for the worms...that's what you meant right? It was my dog who got them, and he goes to the bathroom outside. I'm really careful about making sure he comes into the house clean and always wash up myself after dealing with his waste. His vet told me that as long as I was keeping things hygienic, that I shouldn't get them.

If you're really concerned maybe you could talk to your doctor about it though? See if maybe they would recommend you treat yourself or maybe get tested?

I agree - treating the pets isn't so bad but thinking about getting it myself is icky. The reason I treated the rabbits too was because I was a bit concerned that maybe the dog could have gotten them from the rabbits in the first place. I always get so paranoid with this stuff. My dog so far has gotten giardia and then roundworms, and both times I was so afraid I was going to get them from him.

But so far we've been lucky and haven't been effected.
T.A Bunnies wrote:
Worm her, pumkin seeds will do the trick:)

"There are a number of herbs which are known to have anthelmintic properties (e.g. wormwood), but they have the same problem as tobacco - what's poisonous to the worms is also poisonous to the animal when given in a sufficient volume to kill the worms. Numerous plants are being tested for their anthelmintic properties (e.g. pumpkin seed, garlic). So far, none have been proven under formal research conditions to be effective anthelmintics."

Dragonrain wrote:
No I didn't treat myself for the worms...that's what you meant right?
Yeh, that's what I meant, thanks :) I'll talk to my vet what he says about it all. Thanks for all your help :)