Dwarf lover
Well-Known Member
srry im just really happy..... i got my bun , i went to the pet storeand bought a 2mo bunshe/he is a faun color but shes so tinypics( coming when i get my digital camera)
the has a sweet temperment and if you will come over she/hewillsiff you through the bars lol she/he is alwaysthere wating . i think she/he i half brother/sister to the enigiserbunny ...
i have got a few probs ....her/him poops are so small thewfit through scooper.....and how much should i feed her/him she is a 2modwarf rabbit she is also dipping her feet in the water bowl she peesevery where but her litter box . any help with those? lol
and if you could suggest some names that would be great
srry im just really happy..... i got my bun , i went to the pet storeand bought a 2mo bunshe/he is a faun color but shes so tinypics( coming when i get my digital camera)
the has a sweet temperment and if you will come over she/hewillsiff you through the bars lol she/he is alwaysthere wating . i think she/he i half brother/sister to the enigiserbunny ...
i have got a few probs ....her/him poops are so small thewfit through scooper.....and how much should i feed her/him she is a 2modwarf rabbit she is also dipping her feet in the water bowl she peesevery where but her litter box . any help with those? lol