woody pet

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I use Woody Pet in the pellet formtoo. For 8 buns, it would just be too much work to add thewater and I'm not sure it would be as absorbent that way. Itreally keeps the smell down. It's gotten warm here and in theheat, my ferrets usually smell not so wonderful, but Woody Pet has donea good job of keeping the smell down. If it works for them,it should work for anything. LOL

mambo101 wrote:
Jim, I will probably be getting this cage for Fonzie:

He is already in the smaller version of that same cage.
My Woody Pet amounts have been "expirimental" so far.:)I'vestill been putting way too much in right now, I know. I didn't realizeit expanded so much. I used to put a lot of the Yesterdays Newsin Stephies pan, because she likes to know it around and thelittle extra weighed in down a little bit. The lack of "stink" whencleaning is incredible in comparison.;)
Those are the cages that I use. I got them on ebay for about $36.


Even with the shipping it was cheaper than buying them locally at the petsmart.

You said, "when I get him a bigger cage, he won't have adrop pan.", but these cages have drop pans.:?Unless you're not going to use the wire bottom?

I like the new design where the pan slides out the front instead of the end (I have both).

I just bought 3 more #157s, and they were delivered last week. I've got3 buns in the smaller size (#151) that I will move into the new cages.Then I'm taking2 of the old #151s and merging them into onesuper size.
Jim, I meant willuse the drop pan asthe cage bottom, removing the wire bottom.:)Although that panis pretty slippery, I'm still debabting on what else to put on the panto keep Fonz from slippin and slidin all over the place.:)
Pet_Bunny wrote:
JimD wrote:
I use it (inpellet form) in the litter pans. I use about 1/2 inch...
How often do you change it? .
I do the same as JimD. I use 1/2 inch in the box,and cover it with a screen. The screen keeps thepoop out of the Woody Pet a so I don't have to throw everything outwhen I clean the litter box. This is how I'm ableto make the Woody Pet last so long.

I clean it every day, byscooping out the wet part, and stirring in newstuff. When I stir it, some of it breaksdown but it absorbs the used part freshening up thewhole box, and it's ready to go.:D The size of the pellets doesn't botherme, as it absorbs equally well in pellet formor theswelled up version.

Rainbows! :)
As soon as I create the larger cage for Binkie, I"ll also be switchingto a litter pan with a screen. I can't believe what a messy littlebunnie she is. She can empty EVERY little piece of Woody Pet out of herlitter pan. Then she still uses her litter pan to poop and peein....AND THEN SHE LAYS IN IT!!! EWWWWWW!!!! STINKIE BINKIE!!!!!!

I found a really nice screened litter pan at PetGoods...and it's cheaptoo @ $4.99, but it would take up too much room in her current cage.
mambo101 wrote:
:)Although that pan is pretty slippery, I'm stilldebabting on what else to put on the pan to keep Fonz from slippin andslidin all over the place.:)

Hello Mambo101,

I put a bit of velcro down and then some grass mats on it to keep it inplace. Cali likes to lay on the grass mats and chew them, butshe also likes to stretch out on the plastic bottom of thecage. It depends on her mood. You can get the grassmats at a Petco. I've put a couple of them together and theyreally have worked out beautifully. I wouldn't trust Cali notto chew on carpeting or anything else I might put in there, that's whythe grass mats work so well for her - and my peace of mind.


Carolyn wrote:
Hello Mambo101,

I put a bit of velcro down and then some grass mats on it to keep it inplace. Cali likes to lay on the grass mats and chew them, butshe also likes to stretch out on the plastic bottom of thecage. It depends on her mood. You can get the grassmats at a Petco. I've put a couple of them together and theyreally have worked out beautifully. I wouldn't trust Cali notto chew on carpeting or anything else I might put in there, that's whythe grass mats work so well for her - and my peace of mind.


You talkin' bout these things here?

Yes, My Friend.

It works great. A bit of velcro will keep it from slipping and slidding as the little mon moves around.

Close your eyes Jin D : lol

The Lady I workfor says woody pets are not allthey are craked up to be , wheni asked her why shesaid well BECAUSE they get allsawdusty like and getall poofy and it gets all overthe place , ! well needless tosay I looked at her shook my headand walked away wentoutside and busted up laughing ,silly woman I thouht thats whatthey were supposed to do lol .
gypsy wrote:
Close your eyes Jin D : lol

The Lady I workfor says woody pets are not allthey are craked up to be , wheni asked her why shesaid well BECAUSE they get allsawdusty like and getall poofy and it gets all overthe place , ! well needless tosay I looked at her shook my headand walked away wentoutside and busted up laughing ,silly woman I thouht thats whatthey were supposed to do lol .

Can you say "Woody Pet 101" ?
I don't want to butt in on someone else's topicbut it is a woody pet related question. I just introducedwoody pet to my bun... before I had been using Critter Litter which isviturally dust free. Pepper loved the critter litter... shewould even lay in it all of the time. Since I have replacedthat with woody pet... she no longer goes into her litterbox. I've even tried putting her in there with her poopieslike before and she just hops right out. I'm wondering if itis because it is harder and not as softer for her littlefeet. I'm going to try putting some plastic with holes in itover the top of the woody pet like Pet_Bunny does I think.But I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem withit???
PepperGrl wrote:
I'm going to try putting some plastic with holesin it over the top of the woody pet like Pet_Bunny does.
Here is a picture of Pebbles in her old litter box.........the new onehas higher sides so she doesn't pee over the edge.:p

Rainbows! :D
Peppergirl, try mixing both litters half andhalf, so she gets used to it. Rabbits can be very picky and arecreatures of habit who don't like change sometimes.

When I first got Chompers and was trying out litters, I used one he didnot like. He literally ripped the litter pan off the side (it was oneof those corner ones that hook on) and tossed the litter everywhere. Itwas actually pretty funny.
I was going to try to mix litters but the reasonI switched litters in the first place is because the critter litterclumps and I read that was bad because the buns could try to eatit. So I'm not sure if that is safe to do.

Pet_Bunny wrote:
Here is a picture of Pebbles in her old litter box.........thenew one has higher sides so she doesn't pee over theedge. :p

Rainbows! :D
Where did you say that you got that plastic that is over the Woody Pet???
PepperGrl wrote:
Where did you say that you got that plastic that is over the Woody Pet???
It's a plastic quilting screen that you can find at the Dollar Store or a Craft Shop.

I just used a pair of scissors to cut it to fit the box.

Rainbows! :)

I was at the store yesterday and came across abag of pelletized pine. It is used for horses. Isthis okay for bunnies?
Yes Lissa , I use Feline Pine for my Rabbis litter boxes , the ones herein the house ,

I open the bag and let it air for a daybefore using it . so Even if there is a hint of pnie smell it disapates.

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