woody pet

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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2005
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NEWCASTLE, , United Kingdom
hi all

just recieved a small bag of woody pet from my area manager

something i was going to ask

why is it sorpossed to be better its just ive added the water to it andit has swelled but its just like the shavings im using at the moment

and also how do you use it in the litter trays

varna xxxx
You're going to love it! We switched over a while ago and never looked back.

The reason why so many of love it so much is because you canbuya huge amount for almost nothing, compared to otherlitters. Also, hands down it's the best litter to control litter boxodor.

I don't do the water thing with it (I was told to by the person in thestore) but never have and my rabbits don't seem to mind. I'm curious ifothers do that.

Let us know what you think of it!
hi there

it seems to be ok

as re my normal shavings the woody pet is alot softer

so when you put it in the litter trays does it absorb the urine

its just because the shavings you buy from a pet store it always seems to look wet in the litter pans

varna xxxx
I leave it in the pellet form and after they'vepeed in the same spot a few times you can notice it looking wet andsort of pine shaving looking. Its great for odor control...Idon't even know I have bunnies now (smell wise)...its wonderful! Idrive 25 miles each way to get it...but its worth it!
Hi Varna!

Buck Joneshas always beenTheMain Man forWoodyPet. He started the craze for WoodyPet with many ofusyears ago on the old forum.

Like PuterGeekGirl and Stephanie, I leave it in pelletedform. Once it does get wet, it does take on the look ofshavings, and if it has a chance to dry, it looks more like a bunch offine shavings as opposed to holding the pellet form.Stephanie's right in that it keeps the odor to a minimal, and I alsolike the way it dries so quickly after it's been soiled.

Hope Lucy likes it! Keep us posted.


Just found and purchased woodypet from RuralKing! It is Abfab... so easy to deal with. Especially whenyou have to transfer it to the cage...LESS MESS ... now I don't have tovacuum the mess I used to make cleaning the cages LOL. I alsorecommended that our local pet store get some of this stuff, I took asample of it to the store and they were amazed!

Thank you to all who recommended woodypet it has been a god send!

irishmist wrote:
I also recommended that our local pet store getsome of this stuff, I took a sample of it to the store and they wereamazed!


Good for you,Susan!!

Carolyn wrote:

Buck Joneshas always beenTheMain Man forWoodyPet. He started the craze for WoodyPet with many ofusyears ago on the old forum.



That is true. The first time I'd ever heard about it was whenBuck had mentioned it to me as a great product. I remember we werejoking around and saying that Buck was like that guy from the WENDY'Scommercials. Woody Pets own 'unofficial' spokesman lol.



No Doubt, Tina!

Accept no substitutes!


lucylocket wrote:
...why is it sorpossed to be better its just ive added the water to it and it has swelled but its just like the shavings im using at the moment

and also how do you use it in the litter trays
The "instructions" are for its primary use as a "bedding" for horses, Varna. When I use WoodyPet, I simply use it as it is, in its granular form where it might absorb urine, then powder up and dry. Usually, though, I remove "used up' granules and replace same with new each morning.

We are not using WoodyPet Professional Animal Bedding in its standard manner and perhaps that accounts for relatively inexpensive costs. If the company were to charge "litter prices" for the Bedding horse owners might not be able to afford the pallet loads of WoodyPet they need for it to be effective in its original and expressed purpose.

WoodyPet does manufacture an item labeled as "litter," but I've never seen any being marketed. It comes in much smaller packages, therefore, I'd expect it to be more expensive. The Animal Bedding is serving my purposes quite well, so I do not deem it necessary to pursue the matter any further.

Once you use it by simply pouring an inch or two into the litterbox(exs) directly from the packaging, you might begin to see why so many of us consider it to be so user friendly.


After Buck's detailed reply, in case you have any further questionsabout Woody Pet and it's availability in your area, you can contacttheir representative that had posted here under the name of Dave Jr. orat the toll free number listed below provided that they allow toll freecalls from England.

Dave's very good at answering emails, so you may either PM him from this forum or send him a email directly.


* * * * *

We will be more than happy to answer any questions or direct you to aWoody Pet Bedding outlet.[email protected]

888-535-9816 toll free

Dave Jr.

Woody Pet Products Inc

mambo101 wrote:
I went Woody Pet over the weekend too! It rocks.

I forgot that you PM'd me , mambo. Sorry 'bout that!

Welcome to the Woody Pet Club!!

Are you using it in the litter pan or drop pan??

Any good stories about it, yet??
Right now, just in the litter pan. I still haveload of aspen chips left over I'm using in Fonzie's drop pan. Althoughwhen I get him a bigger cage, he won't have a drop pan. I don't want totake a chance on sore hocks for the big boy.;)
mambo101 wrote:
Right now, just in the litter pan. I still have load ofaspen chips left over I'm using in Fonzie's drop pan. Although when Iget him a bigger cage, he won't have a drop pan. I don't want to take achance on sore hocks for the big boy.
I've got 6 out of 7 buns litter trained now.

I use it (in pellet form) in all of the litter pans and in the one droppan. It took me a while to get the amount to use just right. I wasputting too much in and then it would expand all over the place makingcleanup more difficult. I use about 1/2 inch across the boards.

How often do you change it? I change it every or every other daydepending on how poopie the buns feel! It absorbs so well that evenafter 2 days the pans don't get wet from the bunnie pee.

In the drop pans i just use a few sheets of newspaper with aspenshavings sprinkled on top. I use the aspen for the hamsters so I alwayshave some on hand.

What kind of cage are you getting for the big guy??
Jim, I will probably be getting this cage for Fonzie:

He is already in the smaller version of that same cage.
My Woody Pet amounts have been "expirimental" so far.:)I'vestill been putting way too much in right now, I know. I didn't realizeit expanded so much. I used to put a lot of the Yesterdays Newsin Stephies pan, because she likes to know it around and thelittle extra weighed in down a little bit. The lack of "stink" whencleaning is incredible in comparison.;)
JimD wrote:
I use it (in pellet form) in the litter pans. I use about 1/2 inch...
How often do you change it? .
I do the same as JimD. I use 1/2 inch in the box,and cover it with a screen. The screen keeps thepoop out of the Woody Pet a so I don't have to throw everything outwhen I clean the litter box. This is how I'm ableto make the Woody Pet last so long.

I clean it every day, byscooping out the wet part, and stirring in newstuff. When I stir it, some of it breaksdown but it absorbs the used part freshening up thewhole box, and it's ready to go.:D The size of the pellets doesn't botherme, as it absorbs equally well in pellet formor theswelled up version.

Rainbows! :)

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