won't eat her hay

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Maybe in the morning i'll try putting it in thier bowls before we load up with pellets...

I'm at a loss, and with them shedding and all, i'd like them to havesome in 'em! I think it's the air conditioning, it dries their skin outor something, ever since i've had it on they've been shedding likeCRAZY!

In all thier poops(yes, I check) they've got hair, but with all that'sbeen going on here, with SO many posts about stasis, I want to be surethey get some pumpkin and pineapple juice in them!

I LOVE pineapple juice! So that NEVER goes to waste, but the pumpkin, i've got to get smaller freezer containers! LMBO!

Thanks Tina! Hopefully it works!

My flemish Susie that passed away a 3 yrs agohad a huge hairball problem which almost killed her...I had her at thevet for five days and they had her on petromalt and fresh pineapplejuice. They said there's a substance "potane" found in fresh pinapplejuice that helps to eat away at the hairball...She didn't like thepineapple juice so unfortunately we had to physically feed it to her.It eventually did save her. But the vet did say store bought pinapplejuice doesn't have the potane to help dissolve the hair....So if udecide to use pineapple juice I recommend squeezing the juice yourself.I never tried the canned pumkin before nor have I ever heard of it butI love the the good info I get from these posts!! Thanksall!!!!:sunshine:

What is wrong with my buns? Are theythe only ones who absolutely adore canned pumpkin?? Sage cansmell it when I come into the room and he starts banging on his cagedoor until I give it to him. They all gobble it up.Maybe because I started them when they were really young?

I tried pineapple juice...it didn't go over too well. I'mgoing to take a lesson from Tina and try syringing it into them.

That's actually how Susie got pineapple juice...A syringe!!! Yeah it wasn't her favorite but at least she survived the hairball!

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