Wondering about Luna & Patrick?

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Just had to post my other Mother's Day picture in Patrick and Luna's thread. I wish I could take pictures of every single cuddle moment they share. They are so darn precious together because they take such good care of each other.

I like how they both have such a dreamy look to their eyes...


Patrick is one lucky bun to have a girl like Luna looking after him :p

Janet, betcha the online bunny shopper store had inappropriate cards this year. He's thanking his compassionate mom.

Luna's got (ahem) "those ears", those awesome feminine whiskers! -> and noses in on the floor to share an intimate supper! :D

Patrick and Luna will make magical moments last - for you to see - for years to come!

:hearts: happy mother's day !! tf
Today is the first time we, Patrick, Luna, and I, take the trip to vet's office in Sheboygan alltogether. We are going to visit Luna's foster mom, Naturestee, for only an hour prior to the appointment. I have already forewarned her of Luna's "heavy bottom" since adopting her a few months ago. She has settled into becoming a slug like Patrick instead of the other way around, Patrick picking up Luna's pace. But then again, how can any one cuddle doing a bunny 500? And that girl does like to eat!!! I have never seen such a thing....! I need a caution sign that says, "Keep fingers away during feeding time." Just teasing...;)

Anyhow, I don't expect this visit to vet to be too traumatic. I probably just jinxed myself on the bill now that I said that. The bunnies both seem to be doing fine, although I think Patrick will probably have to go through another molar grindsoon to keep his teeth in check. He has been sneezing a bit more since his last grind, which could be caused from his teeth thinking they have room to grow again putting more pressure on his sinuses. Either that, or he is sniffly with the new hay and the "dust" it has.

I have been busy trying to catch up on reading everyone's threads. I love all of the pictures and the antics. I especially have been reading about Zeus and how much Tinysmom loves him already. And Baxter! is such beautiful boy--love the video because it shows off his great personality even more. I also love all of the pictures Wabbitdad12 and Wabbitmom12 have posted. (I think Thumper wants to live with me just for a bit...:D)

Time to get kennels ready and get the car packed. I found a really neat picture that I took a few days ago that I am dying to post. All I have to say is that sun-worshiping bunnies are the best.

Take care all,

OMG they are so precious together. It's like they are just so happY!

Luna is very loving with him isn't she?

*sniff* my girl is so pretty and her man is so handsome!
Janet just left my house!

Ok yeah Luna has a big ol' butt, but that's just how she is I guess. I can still feel her ribs easily, so don't worry that she's fat. She just has a ghetto bootie. ;)

And Patrick is still the most darling thing ever. He just popped out of his carrier "Ta da! I'm here!" What a snuggly couple too!

And Janet gave me an awesome Foster Mom's Day gift- a beautiful framed photo of the two lovebirds.:bunnyheart
They are just so precious together! I cant get enough of their dutch cuteness.

Basil and Max are thinking they should come live with us and join our dutch army ;)
We have been home from our adventures out-of-town for a bit now. I hate going away with animals because it seems to take forever to get things put away, cleaned out/up, and get settled in again. But we are all rested, fed, and ready for the evening to hang out.

Thanks Angela for having us all over for a visit. They certainly seemed to remember your living-room, but isn't one supposed to remember where and when their first date took place? :D Patrick felt comfortable enough to put Luna in a full-body hug. Sometimes those kids do the wrong thing at the wrong time. Maybe he did remember his first dates and falling in love with his girl. He was just reminiscing about the "good times." :biggrin2:I thought the kids were fairly well behaved and they loved their hour of play time before being tortured at the vets.

So what were the first words out of Angela's mouth when she really took a look at Luna in the kennel? "She really is round!!" I warned you... She is just a big-bottom type of girl. We all have to carry out junk somewhere, her junkjust happens to bein her trunk. Yes, the doctor did say that we should not gain anymore weight because we are at the top end of weight limits for a Dutch. Man!!!! That just ruins all of the fun of being a specialist in test-tasting everything in her path.

The vet visit went well, relatively speaking. Luna is ready for her next molar grind -- getting a little on the pointy side. (Couldn't tell by the way she eats though.;)) Patrick isn't that bad in the dental department yet, but I made the appointment for both bunnies to go at the same time to keep them on the same schedule.

Patrick still has a lump that was found during his last vet visit. I wanted a second opinion on the lump even though the vet who found it insisted he needed surgery to remove it if possible. The vet we had today did an ultrasound and a needle biopsy of the lump because he could actually move the lump to the surface ofPatrick's tummy. He was very nice about it all and said Patrick was the perfect patient for everything. Both tests came back as inconclusive as to what it is exactly. He is certain that it is not an abscess because the biopsy did show that type of bacteria. He did find a higher concentration of blood cells which leads him to think the lump could be attached to either Patrick's intestines or spleen. He said that is does not appear to be any larger from when it was first found, which is a good thing. The final option is to do surgeryto remove it if possible. If anybody else has gone through this one, information about what they decided to do and what it turned out to be would be appreciated. He doesn't appear to be bothered by it; activity level, eating, waste/output, and "huggings"are all normal for him so I am not too sure if I will do anything about it other than making sure it doesn't get any bigger during his bi-monthly dental checks.

I think I will have to try to load the sunny-bunny pictures this weekend. I still feel like I have a billion things to do even though we weren't gone for very long today. Thanks for any input anyone may have concerning Patrick.

Any chance it's a fatty tumor? Or no, since it has blood in it.

If he can move it to the surface to do a needle biopsy, surgery should be fairly easy. At least he wouldn't have to rummage around in the organs or anything, that's where more complications would come in.

Did Dr. Travis seem to think the lump was an immediate problem, or something that can be watched unless it starts to grow? I trust him a lot more than Dr. Bixler on stuff like that. She's all prepared to dig around inside a bun before even doing any tests, where Dr. Travis always seems to investigate everything he can first. Like I said, he's the one that everyone at the shelter likes for all of their animals.

So who is doing the molar grinds?
Hi juliew19673: Thanks for the good wishes concerning the lump. Very much appreciated at this time, although it is nice to know a little bit more about it's composition prior to considering just opening the little tyke up.

Hi Naturestee: Dr. Travis really didn't say one way or the other if it was an emergency situation. I asked about "just keeping an eye on it" and he didn't really say it was anything. I think his concern is if it is attached to Patrick's spleen. I should investigate thispossible situation, but I doubt if I am going to find a whole lot of information on complications and risks. If it is attached to the intestines, he said it would be a matter of removing the affected section and sewing the two ends back together. Sounds so simple, but I am worrying about the price tag for any type of surgery on him as well as complications and recovery.

What if the lump is attached to the spleen, he is opened up and the doctor says it is inoperable, and lumpbegins to grow because it wasexposed to oxygen (I have heard that cancers can feed off of oxygen during surgery; they lay dormant for the longest time until the person has surgery for something else and then the cancer takes off.) Then there is the issue of the first vet telling me that the overall risk of doing a surgery means that Patrick's longevity will be cut by twenty percent. So just by opening him up, hewill lose twenty percent of the length of time he would have livedwithout a surgery.

Dr. Travis will be performing the molar grinds on the sixth of June. I have to drop them off between eight and nine and wait for the call that they are ready to go. I might take another run to Pier One for more willow balls if the ones I picked up yesterday are demolished by then. I also need to find the animal shelterbecause I couldn't find it yesterday and it was getting late. It was well past "salad time" and they were ready to relax.

Speaking of salad time, I best attend to bunny needs before I do anything else. Dr. Travis also prescribed some Bene-Bac because Patrick was on the antibiotics for two weeks after his last molar grind. He said that Patrick's tummy flora might need a little boost to hopefully get normal size poos again.

Finally, I have made some time to sit a post a few pictures of my sunny-bunnies. I know that this first picture makes Luna look kind of "big," but it is justthe camera angle... (really it is just the camera angle ;))


I really like this picture. It is basically the same as the one above, but closer. This one just seems a bit more artistic or something. Maybe it has a "Ying and Yang" sort of feel to it.


Luna is not as much of a sun-worshipper as Patrick is. So Patrick was left to himself and I managed to get the neatest DBF pictures of Patrick.


His little face is just too cute! :pIt is almost like he is saying, "I've fallen into some sunshine and I can't get up..."


I hope you enjoy looking at the few sunny-bunny pictures I have. I took some more cuddly pictures this morning, but will have to post them later in the week. Sometimes I catch them just at the right moment.:D

myheart, Patrick, and Luna
Those are the most awesome pictures of Patrick ever!

Poor Luna, she's not fat she's just big boned! LOL

About the lump- I have heard of rabbits having benign fatty tumours. Ra7751 commented to me about an abdominal one in a friend's rabbit when I asked him about Loki's supposed lump. I'm really hoping that's all it is. Then it's ok even if it can't be removed.

Now that you've posted your pics I really should post some of mine....

*goes back into hiding mode*
Naturstee, I was going to let you know that Patrick is doing very well of late. He has only had a couple of bene-bac treatments and I think it could be working already. His droppings are a little bit bigger and more round in shape. He is eagerly eating everything I give him at all snack times, giving Luna a run for her money (or crackers). :DHe actually ate some pumpkin the other night. I think I used the wrong type of "plate" for him -- he doesn't like romaine :?... so I used a small leaf of collard green, and leaf along with pumpkin were gone in the morning!!!:biggrin2:Sometimes it helps to remember what your own bunny likes to eat... (duh).

He has also been running around like a little madman. He has just been busy with searching for Luna--he is so cute when he can't find her because he sends out big thump signals and waits for her to move or something so he can find her. Now I never know if he is thumping for danger, or if he is thumping for his girl!!:cool:He is also the master of circles and hums. I have noticed that if he cannot find Luna, I am his second choice. Then I get the circles, because he knows he will get his human "girlfriend" to give up some lovin' if his bunny girlfriend is being fickle. His personality is really starting to shine now that he is feeling better and he has Luna!!:D

Do you even have a bunny blog, Naturestee? Yes, post something so I can start seeing some of the pics of your babies. Oberon is such a handsome guy, you must share him the rest of us...!!

Bo B Bunny wrote:
Oh those two are just precious!

Luna is not big! she's a petite little flower....

I hope you are not saying that just to be kind... The vet did say she is at the top of the Dutch weight-scale (my bad...:() At least Patrick has a choice now...either the big end or the skinny end (her head) to hug on. lol

LOL! I think the only "petite" bunnies are dwarfs...and Clover.

She's adorable - and perfect. If she is healthy - that's all that matters. She doesn't look overly big tho. She seems fine.
Yeah, but Luna has an abnormally large body frame for a dutch so I don't think you can go by the weight scale for a normal show-bred dutch. Kinda like how my baby brother is nearly 6 ft tall but my parents both are only about 5' 6" and my sister and I are 5'3".

I'm so glad Patrick is feeling better!

I do have a bunny blog of my own, I just haven't updated it in months. :baghead

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