We have been home from our adventures out-of-town for a bit now. I hate going away with animals because it seems to take forever to get things put away, cleaned out/up, and get settled in again. But we are all rested, fed, and ready for the evening to hang out.
Thanks Angela for having us all over for a visit. They certainly seemed to remember your living-room, but isn't one supposed to remember where and when their first date took place?

Patrick felt comfortable enough to put Luna in a full-body hug. Sometimes those kids do the wrong thing at the wrong time. Maybe he did remember his first dates and falling in love with his girl. He was just reminiscing about the "good times." :biggrin2:I thought the kids were fairly well behaved and they loved their hour of play time before being tortured at the vets.
So what were the first words out of Angela's mouth when she really took a look at Luna in the kennel? "She really is round!!" I warned you... She is just a big-bottom type of girl. We all have to carry out junk somewhere, her junkjust happens to bein her trunk. Yes, the doctor did say that we should not gain anymore weight because we are at the top end of weight limits for a Dutch. Man!!!! That just ruins all of the fun of being a specialist in test-tasting
everything in her path.
The vet visit went well, relatively speaking. Luna is ready for her next molar grind -- getting a little on the pointy side. (Couldn't tell by the way she eats though.

) Patrick isn't that bad in the dental department yet, but I made the appointment for both bunnies to go at the same time to keep them on the same schedule.
Patrick still has a lump that was found during his last vet visit. I wanted a second opinion on the lump even though the vet who found it insisted he needed surgery to remove it if possible. The vet we had today did an ultrasound and a needle biopsy of the lump because he could actually move the lump to the surface ofPatrick's tummy. He was very nice about it all and said Patrick was the perfect patient for everything. Both tests came back as inconclusive as to what it is exactly. He is certain that it is not an abscess because the biopsy did show that type of bacteria. He did find a higher concentration of blood cells which leads him to think the lump could be attached to either Patrick's intestines or spleen. He said that is does not appear to be any larger from when it was first found, which is a good thing. The final option is to do surgeryto remove it if possible. If anybody else has gone through this one, information about what they decided to do and what it turned out to be would be appreciated. He doesn't appear to be bothered by it; activity level, eating, waste/output, and "huggings"are all normal for him so I am not too sure if I will do anything about it other than making sure it doesn't get any bigger during his bi-monthly dental checks.
I think I will have to try to load the sunny-bunny pictures this weekend. I still feel like I have a billion things to do even though we weren't gone for very long today. Thanks for any input anyone may have concerning Patrick.