Winston doesn't eat hay

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Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2004
Reaction score
, Montana, USA
Winston doesn't eat his hay. He'll eat a little,but not much. This worries me! He'll scarf down his pellets and veggiesand beg for more, but he won't touch the hay. I've seen him eat alittle if I don't feed him anything between meals, but he'll only pick.Is there anything I can do?
My bunny Fergi was not interested in her timothyhay at all. Just one day stopped liking it for some reason. She willstill eat alfalfa hay but that is not as good for an adult rabbit astimothy or orchard. You could try switching hay types, there are acouple to choose from and some buns just seem to turn picky! If youfind something that works let me know because timothy hay is a lotcheaper up here than alfalfa so I would like to get her back on thetimothy.

Fergi's mom
Okay he's making a liar out of me. I happen tohave some alfalfa, so I offered Winston a piece, which he devoured.Then I decided to test him by offering him a piece of timothy hay(directly from his hay rack, so it's not like it's any different fromhis usual hay). And he ATE IT! So then I plopped down a bundle oftimothy hay...and guess what? He's eating that too! So apparently heonly likes hay if I hand feed it to him! Sigh...he's trained me sowell...

Hi NightPoet,

Alfalfa is higher in calories and calcium. Don't know how old yourlittle one is, but it can get to the point where it's too heavy foryour rabbit's system.

Winston's playin you! Making you handfeed it too him, please. I bethe'd allow you to handfeed him some grapes too. *laughs* Nope, he's notThe Center of the Universe at all.

A good pellet feed should have enough fiber to help them out. Feedinghay provides an extra scrubbing of their system, besides they usuallyenjoy it, and it's good for their teeth. If you are ever concerned thathe's not eating enough of hay, you could offer him some canned pumpkin.It's high in fiber and very good for flushing out the system.

Now, get back to Sir Winston. He's Waiting.

My buns are picky about their hay. Nowthat I got them Oxbow hay, nothing else will do, and Timothy only, theorchard grass they arent to keen about, they nibble, but not like thetimothy!
my buns are pretty picky about their hay aswell.. it has to be nice and green.. if there's too much brown in abale, they'll dig it out of their litter boxes until i replace it withnicer looking stuff :p
One of mine didn't like hay except forAlfalfa. I have started getting a oat, wheat andbarelyhay mix from the I comes in1 lb and 4 lb boxes. They all seem to eat it okay.Another hay they seemed to like is the Peter' Timothy hay. Alittle hard to find in the pet stores until lately. They onlyget Alfalfa now as a treat about once every other week.


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