Hi NightPoet,
Alfalfa is higher in calories and calcium. Don't know how old yourlittle one is, but it can get to the point where it's too heavy foryour rabbit's system.
Winston's playin you! Making you handfeed it too him, please. I bethe'd allow you to handfeed him some grapes too. *laughs* Nope, he's notThe Center of the Universe at all.
A good pellet feed should have enough fiber to help them out. Feedinghay provides an extra scrubbing of their system, besides they usuallyenjoy it, and it's good for their teeth. If you are ever concerned thathe's not eating enough of hay, you could offer him some canned pumpkin.It's high in fiber and very good for flushing out the system.
Now, get back to Sir Winston. He's Waiting.