Winston and Pip

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Well, I just picked up on the bonding again after being away for close to two weeks, so we have taken a few steps back. Today we swapped cages for a few hours, and I spent some time together on the bed with the two of them. They both were digging furiously at the comforter, taking some interest in each other. Then Pip bit Winston on the nose, didn't injure him, but Winston wasn't happy after that. Right now I think it's more stressful for me than for them. Since I know of only ONE rabbit vet within a few hours of here, and normallyI don't get to work with themuntil nighttime, and weekends. I am afraid something will happen and I won't be able to get them help at a vet until the next day. So, we are taking it very slow, and this time I'm making sure I work with them every day. I think tomorrow I'm going to go buy a spray bottle for the cause too.

Will keep you posted on the progress (and hopefully not on the lack of progress)Tomorrow I have an appointment for Winston at the vet for his sore little bunny feet. i think they are getting better since I "resurfaced his plastic bottom of the crate with cardboard, but want to get them checked to be sure.
Went to the vet today with Winston! She said that he appears to have had a slight infection in his foot from the sore hocks. He's now on Baytril cream once a day, and cefadroxil 3 times a day for 5 days. I checked to be sure that there arent any hugely awful side effects of cefadroxil... couldn't find any, except on guinea pigs, so i hope it's okay... if anyone knows otherwise, please let me know asap.

This vet I have used the last few monthsis not my normal vet... my job has taken meto a town 8 hours from my home and original vet, whom i really trust. This vet has been good so far...being in this rural area I am now, it's difficult to find rabbit savy vets!
For those of you who didn't see my post on the infirmary board:

A not good situation happened with the cefadroxil drug prescribed by the new vet we saw on Monday. For a relatively minor foot problem, I ended up with a more serious huge problem. Yesterday upon returning from work, I noticed Winston hadn't ate any of his food I left in the morning. I became pretty concerned and debated giving him the next dose of the medicine. I ultimately decided to do it, but woke up numerous times in the night to check on him.

This morning, i noticed he had not produced any feces or urine, heard loud stomach gurgling, and got very alarmed when i saw no food had been touched. I called the vet, and their reply was that the vet was in surgery all day, and offered me no advice of any sort, until i pleaded to know of ANY other vets that could help me. I ultimately found a vet 70 miles away from here, and got a 10:30 appointment. The new vet said cefadroxil is often a horrible choice for rabbits and small animals, and examined Winston. She gave me some Bene-bac, and Oxbow Critical Care Mixture.

I've now been giving him the oxbow mixture every couple of hours, and he finally has produced some feces, not normal ones, but at least it's something. I just went to the drug store and bought him some simethicone baby gas medicine to ease the gurgling, and hopefully tomorrow he'll feel a lot better.

Keep my little grumbly, gassy Winston in your thoughts!

Oh no, poor Winston & poor you! When I saw a new post by you, I thought it was just a catch up post.

Ask the vet you trust about a dose of Metacam also. Crossing my fingers for continued poop..

Keep us updated, please.
Im relieved to report that Winston made it through the night okay! I was a little worried, and set an alarm to wake up every two hours to check on him. He used the litterbox a bit more, so that was encouraging. I just gave him his second thing of Bene-Bac, and another 6 cc of food...we still have another tube to go through, but i'm letting him destress first. He (just like Pip discovered after the first few doses of his meds) hates you touching his mouth. I still heard some gurgling during the night so I gave him more gas meds. He now is laying down in the living room, just looking perfectly content. This isn't his normal living room behavior, so it's clear he's still feeling under the weather... but at least he's enjoying laying down out here. Im hoping at some point today the gurgling gas subsides a little bit, so he may feel better to start eating.

Thanks for all the support... it's nice not to hear "YOU DID ALL OF THIS, FOR A BUNNY?!" Of course I did, in fact the question never crossed my mind about taking him to the vet twice this week, and driving 70 miles to see a vet! People don't get Pip and Winston aren't just bunnies to me... my whole life I've been around animals and I have chosen to be around people who share my interestor at least understand mypassion for them. A little background on me: I've lived on Long Island my whole life, except for college. After college, I moved to upstate NY to pursue a job coaching at a university, and my masters degree. When I accepted my job a year and a half ago, although i found myself around genuine, caring people, Most of them do not have similar interests to me... in facta fewreally don't have many interests at all beyond college athletics. So, when I moved up here away from my family and all my animals, and wasn't allowed to have a dog in my rented house, they became my little dogs.... kinda filled a gapin my life of something that was missing my first six monthshere. They basically are my ties, in this somewhat foreign place, to the things and people I love ina life that I feel somewhat separated from now. That separation is one of the big reasons I think maybe I need to not be involved in thisall consuming athletic field. Okay, enough about me...

thanks again... i'll post another update tonight! :)
Well made it through another day... a few updates! This morning Winston drank some water, and today both at 2 ish, and again just now I got him to eat some parsley. His stomach was still gurgling a lot when I got home from work, and he was just laying down in the living room. I gave him another dose of baby gas meds about a half hour ago, and now he is moving around a ton. The gurgling has subsided a little bit. He's jumped on the chairs, done a few little runs here and there, and hopped on top of his favorite suitcase (that out of our pure lazyness has become a fixture in the living room.) Im hoping this exercise keeps his insides going. When he seems to tucker out a bit, I'm going to syringe him a few more cc's ofcritical care.

Meanwhile, Pip is sitting in his pen wondering why Winston is getting all of the attention.

5 minutes later... and then as i wrote that top paragraph, he peed all over the floor. Now I must go, as he has climbed up the steps. While I know he's not out of the woods yet, I'm taking these as very good signs!
Well, the very loud stomach gurgling went away last night after i gave a dose of baby gas meds. I haven't heard a single gurgle in a while! Winston also seems to be more active when out of his cage. Last night he was causing a ruckus moving his cardboard box around his cage. He also is eating parsley. I think I can say that is by far his favorite veggie to eat. I have to wave it around in his face, but he does eat it once I get him to bite on it. Im still working at the hay, his reactions towards hay is not as positive, maybe a few bites, but not many. I'm still supplementing his parsley with Critical Care, and giving the Bene-bac, and a little water here and there to be sure he stays hydrated.

Litterbox is still seeing some action, as is our rug. Still not totally normal, but he seems to be in less pain today. I just want him to start eating more on his own without me having to initiate his interest by brushing parsley in his face.

Anyone have any experience with how long it takes before they start to eat more on their own?
Are you sticking with the new vet? Sounds like they know they're stuff-yay!

How's the water consumption? Believe it or not, I've not been through a gas ordeal, but I believe it can take 48 hours or so for them to start eating. The key is getting the gas under control, when they're in pain, they won't eat. So, once the pain is gone, they start for their food. Tummy rubs are also great for those times:).

Glad he's doing better now!
Happy to report I think Winston has recovered! He's now eating everything on his own without having to brush parsley in his face. The state of affairs in the litterbox is back to normal, and he is still his feisty little self!

I will be sticking with that vet for the next few months until I move. Then I will return to our normal vet back on Long Island (or finding one in a new place, if i end up moving from LI)
Both little guys have been doing well lately.

Winston has fully recovered from the bout of GI stasis. He's eating like a champ, and also has decided the litterbox is no longer a good place to do his business. Well it is about 70 percent of the time, the rest of the time, he prefers the floor of his crate. I've covered the entire floor with the exception of his litterbox with fleece and cardboard sheets, in an effort to provide more cushioning on his feet. It seems to be working at deterring him from peeing on his blankets too. He has been suffering from chronic sore hocks in his left rear foot only. The last time it cleared up well on its own with some baytril and neosporin. Now that patch has totally healed over, and he has another patch on the same foot closer to his heel. His nails are short, although he might be a bit on the chunky side. If it shows no sign of improvements after the weekend, we'll have to go get it checked out.

Will take some pictures this weekend to post later on!
OMG you need to start an infirmary thread next time- I had no idea Winston wasnt well!

Cefadroxil is on the "avoid these meds" list for rabbits. Im so happy he was ok! I would call that vet and complain- and never take him there again. Hes so lucky you are such a good mommy and found a vet to help him!
Hi Haley,

I actually did post a message in the infirmary thread, and several people were helpful! :)I have drafted up a letter to send to that vet, as I am soo infuriated that happened and their complete lack of concern when I called in an emergency.

Just glad he's okay now!
So due to a last few very busy months, and Winston's bout with stasis in early April, I haven't gotten the chance to work on bonding these two anymore. I built Pip a pen in the dining room, so he could come out in the pen when Winston was playing in the living room. Since he is pretty much the smartest, most determined bunny ever, he has managed to escape the pen multiple times. His favorite thing to do is to sit under the tv stand, which has since been gated off, as he is a bit of a wire chewer. His new mission is to move the gate, which he has successfully done only once.

As for Winston, his litterbox habits have gone down the drain since he was sick. He leaves little droppings all over his crate. He is warming up a ton though, he loves to jump on my lap in the living room when Im sitting on the couch. His sore rear foot has gotten better, although still missing some hair there.

Yesterday, since classes have ended and my job is winding down, I had a lot of free time in the afternoon. I decided to bring both of them onto the porch to see how they acted together. To my surprise, they totally ignored each other, no growling from winston, and no attempts by Pip to bite Winston.

I tried to take some photos, but my camera battery conked out when i started to try to take pictures of them together. Maybe today, I'll get some good ones. here are some individual shots!

Winston on the bed before heading outside.


Pip enjoying the sunshine outside for the first time since his rescue from the woods in May of 2007. Of course, he planted himself right next to the craisins.


Because of the light color of Winston's eyes, I think the sun might bother him more than Pip. He spent a good chunk of time jumping on my lap in the shade.


Little Pip being a big bully and eating all of the craisins.


I just moved back home with the bunnies last week. They are doing well, although i think the car trip stressed Winston out a bit. I sadly have had no time to bond them with school and work over the last few months, but perhaps now that I'm in between jobs i can take these summer months to put a big effort at it.

I built Pip a new cage today. He was living in Winston's ridiculously small old one. He now has a NIC cage, with a shelf like Winston's. I put the entire bottom of his old cage into the new one, and he has a purple fleece blanket, ball, and cardboard box inside to play with.

Although they aren't bonded, after each bunny sees each other they seem to get very excited, and then flop over super relaxed. Here is Winston in his cage after his bout of excitement... and dumping his hay basket.


Upon hearing the tapping of the dog's nails on the floor, he assumed position on top of his cardboard box.


Then I took another picture to try to capture him without the devil eyes.


This is Pip's new cage. It will likely be changed around sometime, but for now it's better than what he had.


Pip checking out his new box!


And jumping around on the bed


And lastly, my little chubbyWinston scoping out the scene.


Nice cages! I love the pic of Winston all alert on top of his box! The fact that they like to flop next to each other is good news for potential bonding--it shows that they are comfortable with each other (at the very least with wire bars between them!).
So cute! I love chubby Winston's picture.

Nice cage; I just have an exercise pen, took the easy way out.
I've been behind on your blog - I love the Easter picture of you guys.

Thanks for sharing - your guys are great! Little bunnies always crack me up..

The boys are looking handsome as usual!

Im smitten with Winston- I love those blue eyes! Another forum member, Soooska, has a lionhead with blue eyes and hers always photograph red as well. They sure are beautiful though.

Pip's new cage looks amazing. Im sure he is enjoying all the extra space. :)