Thank you I happen to think they're adorable too!
We've started to construct the new bunny area, it will be much bigger to accommodation both rabbits after Winston is neutered. I'm still letting them meet occasionally, with my close supervision to ensure there is no hanky panky. Charlie usually ignores Winston and he follows her (not in an aggressive way more like "hey woman stop and say hi". After she's done ignoring him she will lay down and he will start licking her. It's all very sweet but I'm always right with them (i only let them meet on my couch so i can sit and be right there).
I'm waiting impatiently for Winston's other ball to drop so we can get him neutered. I just checked them and I can palpitate the one that hasn't dropped but the vet said to wait till they've both dropped, if they do. What happens if they don't drop? I imagine it will make for a more complicated surgery, so I hope they do eventually drop.
I'm really excited about the bunny space, I've been showing my dad and his friend that is helping him build it pictures of your nice bunny homes as inspiration. They seem to think they can outdo you guys, but I have some very large doubts lol. I have a feeling they're going to make something ugly. I'm especially worried about the Wiring they're going to use. I told the that it shouldn't have any sharp edges and it should all be framed with wood. I'm thinking of just buying those clip together ones, although I haven't seen them anywhere yet.
This is the area that it will occupy.
It's going to be a bit smaller than it could have been because we can't move the cable cords.So it will be built around them to be safe. Excuse the giant mess as I said we're just taking everything out and rearranging the room for the. The new area will be just over 50 square feet I believe.
This is what the old room (closet looks like) now, you can see my little Winston enjoying some hay.
I said to leave more free space, I feel like Winston doesn't have enough room to run around.
Oh oh oh !!! I went out and bought some basil and mint and grass, Nasturtium and dandelions (i didn't buy those my dad is bringing some home from the cottage so I can grow them. I"m so excited I know they won't be able to eat them right away but it says that it takes a month to two to grow them soo... I've never grown anything so I'm thinking this will take a lot of patience and trial and error.
Anyways I suppose that is all right now. Any advice on any of the above would be appreciated !!!