Windows movie maker

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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2005
Reaction score
, British Columbia, Canada
So frustrated right now! :X

I've been trying for over an hour to add music to my slid show inmemory of Pepsi. When I go to import a music file from a folder, itbrings up this message saying that the file is not a supported filetype, and cannot be imported into Windows Movie Maker.

Help Please? Does anyone use this program? I'm loading my music offitunes as well. I'm not computer knowledgeable AT ALL in this kind ofthing.


Hi Spring!

That's funny you should mention that,i was making one for Baby(RIP) buti have not gotten around to finishing it because i just cannot findthat perfect song

I have my music in my music folder,and when i went on the movie maker ijust pressed browse and just went into my music folder and that is howi got the music up there.

Gee i know nothing about computers,and it had taken me a very long time to work it out..but i did :D

I know my explanation probably hasn't explained much


There should be a section on the side where youcan select "import audio". Then you can go find the file and it willshow up in the section in the centre of the screen. Once its shown upthere, drag it into the timeline under you photos/videos and if youwant to trim it off then just drag it to the desired length! You canalso right click on the song and press "fade end" or something to maket fade out.

I used to use this all the time but then i bought Magic Movie Maker Pro which is actually much the same but with a few extras!
Ahhh yes,the import file,sorry i said the browsebutton,thanks for clearing that up Pinksalamander,i would have gottenpoor Spring even moreconfusedlol:reindeertongue:

It had taken me weeks to figure out how to even get my pictures ontheir first,it took me even longer to get the music sorted out lol


Are you trying to add music purchased fromiTunes? Windows Movie Maker doesn't support protected AAC files (thisis the file format that the iTunes store uses). Here's a funtional,albeit time-consuming, work around. And unfortunately it will only workif you have a CD burner:

-Make a new playlist in iTunes (File>New Playlist)
-Go back to your main library and justdrag the song(s) you want into the newly created playlist
-After inserting a blank CD, click onthe new playlist and go to File>"Burn Playlist to Disc"
-Once the CD is burned open up WindowsMedia Player and navigate to the "Rip" tab
-Select the song(s) and click "RipMusic" on the blue bar. In the bottom portion of the screen it will tell you where it isripping the file to.
-Go back to Windows Movie Maker andimport this new file (which is now an mp3, a file that Windows MovieMaker recognizes)

If that doesn't work, let me know, and I'll see if I can help:)


Yeah, I tried going from import audio, but itdidn't work :?. I'll try what bunnydude suggested and hopefully go fromthere. I tried with the 'import audio' but for the life of me, couldn'tmake it load!

The songs actually from a CD I bought a while ago. So if I have italready on a cd, do I have to burn it again? I think I have a cdburner.The song is 'Angel' from Sarah McLachlan. I knew as soon as Iheard the song play that it was perfect.

Thanks for the help!


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