Hi dis is
Willow here. Me momma said I culds update me blog dis time. So firstly I wuld like to say that I am sorry my momma is furgetful and she is so very sorry thadt hers dids not updates me blog when her said her wuld. She must haves furgots. N e way. I am here to update and add piccys since then. So here we go.
The first ones are from some times ago, and den when I gets to the ones of today I will tell you otay? Otay.
Otay I is not sure if dis one is already on here, but who cares. It is just more cuteness of me!
Here is I, flirting with Bruce.
Here is I again flirting with Bruce.
Now girls, I gots a story about flirtin. When you wants a guy bunny to pays attention to YOU. All ya do is ignore him, thats the way I do it. Then you act like ya ain't seen him there, suddenly ya turn and ya be all like " Oh yeh dere sexy boy!" Then ya start firtin wis him nose to nose, eye to eye. Yah get me tail?
N e ways,more pics:
Ahem, just my purdy self.
The auntie Emi, was uhm, her did something screwy with the clicky thing and it made me look at blue and well fat.
Otay, dese are after momma fixed the clicky thing. So hey are better, ans don't makes me look fat.
I was looking at that big slice in the earth, dere was some piper thing, moma called it, in dere tooked power to our big hutch.
Studying the slice some more. Just wish I could have gotten a close up like Sippie and Madgic did.
Momma holding me all squishy like. Does it make me look fat? Please be truful...
Me in me box, trying to see Bruce's bun butt some more. Hehe.
And the last one of me in me box again:
See?! Bruce saw me trying to firt wis him! It really works girls, Tries is out, you won't be sorry.Hehe.
Well I gots to go to bed now, I hope you injoy the blog as much as I did in writing it!
Love all~~~Willow