Will i make Austin ill?

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Hi all im still here but only just ! i just wishthe pain would go away its making me very tired and cranky im just gladive only got it on the one side at the mo although ive just started tofeel a bit wobbley but i think thats down to all the pain killers imon.

I have found out today that it is worse for me as a 20 year old to getit than it would be for a child to get it. so i wish i was 2 not 20!hehe

my whole family is staying away and i cant talk very well soi cant call anyone to talk to i feel very lonley so im glad ive got youguys to talk to. if anyone wants to come and keep company on MSN myemail is[email protected] feelfree to pop in and say hi i would be glad of a chat!

Em x
Em, have they said if there are any bad effectsafter you are over them? I had them as a youngchild. It's horribly painful I remember, but if it's worse, Ifeel awful for you!!!!

Get plenty of rest so you will heal quickly and fully. We are all keeping you in our prayers!


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