Wild Rabbit

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Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2005
Reaction score
Belleville, Michigan, USA
There's this cute wild rabbit that hangs outaround our apartment in the evening and I was thinking of throwing somepellets, hay or veggies out there for the guy. He's just so cute and helooks like he's shedding just as bad as my wilbur rightnow.Would this be a bad or good thing to do?
Question: are you sure it's a wild rabbit, andnot a domestic? Just thought I'd throw the question outthere. Is he friendly with you at all?
If he truly is a wild rabbit and there isvegetation in the area, I wouldn't get into the habit of giving himanything. A change in diet such as pellets might upset his digestivetract, and he could also become dependent upon free handouts...perhapseven losing a bit of his instinctive fear of humans. As cute as he mustbe, he's better off left on his own (imo)....
I'm pretty sure he is wild I can't even getclose to him and he takes off. We live on a golf course andmy hubby has seen him on the golf course having fun & runningaround theretoo. I never thought of the changing diet thoughI will just admire him instead of feeding him :) Thankseveryone :)
I wouldn't feed him. We have a lot ofwild rabbits around our house. They are pretty friendlysometimes. They even binky when they see us.
Nope, I would suggest feeding him commercialrabbitfood..or anything for that matter. They grow verydependent very quickly. What about planting some carrots or something?Or research to see what kind of plants rabbits like to eat.. then it'ssort of like a free for all feeding :).

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