Well-Known Member
Hello everyone! There's this wild bunny thatlives in my yard, that is practically fearless! Even when my dogsoutside barking at it, it'll still graze probably about 10 feet awayfrom it. I was sitting outside on our patio and it was probab ly 5 feetaway from me eating dandilion stems. After she ate, she was groomingherself then hoped back to our side garden (where I'm thinking shelives, my mom said she might have a nest but I haven't seen her withmouths of stuff).
Last summer, there was a very friendly little baby buny that would beat the back corner of our yard and eat blackberry leaves when I wasprobably about 5 feet away from it picking them. It even ran towards methen took a sharp turn and skittered off. I doubt it because I've heardwild rabbits usually don't live more then a year, but could this be thesame rabbit? They all look the same to me!
I'd get a picture, but I'm not sure if the flash would scare her.. andI don't want to upset her or anything. I don't want to aproach her orgo near her just incase she could have dieseases or fleas, or if I havesomething from Pebbles or Pepsi on me not to make her sick or anything.
I just thought it was amazing watching her!
Last summer, there was a very friendly little baby buny that would beat the back corner of our yard and eat blackberry leaves when I wasprobably about 5 feet away from it picking them. It even ran towards methen took a sharp turn and skittered off. I doubt it because I've heardwild rabbits usually don't live more then a year, but could this be thesame rabbit? They all look the same to me!
I'd get a picture, but I'm not sure if the flash would scare her.. andI don't want to upset her or anything. I don't want to aproach her orgo near her just incase she could have dieseases or fleas, or if I havesomething from Pebbles or Pepsi on me not to make her sick or anything.
I just thought it was amazing watching her!