Wild bunny?

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I don't really know a lot of my neighbors very well but they all seem pretty nice. I will definately see if I can talk to some people tonight. The only neighbor that I commonly talk to is keeping their cats inside for me until I can catch the bunny. They are really nice and both even said they would be glad to try and help me catch him so I brought some hay and treats over there last night in case they spot him.

ETA: The people around the neighborhood already call me the crazy cat lady because I commonly walk my cats on a harness, no harm in them knowing me as the crazy cat/bunny lady!
I'm really hoping for a happy ending.

Some people are just awful:bigtears:

Good luck, i hope you catch the little guy very very very soon!:clover:
Sounds like a domestic bun set loose - it's terrible but so common. On our travels my partner and I have stopped at gas stations and camp grounds and found whole groups of buns living around garbage cans, all rabbits that were just dumped. :(I hope you will be able to catch the bun, the humane traps are amazing. Good luck!
Praying for the little dutch man. :pray: -22 wind chill last night... !!!
fox and/or feral cat tracks in our yard.

Yup, I'd get neighbors you can trust involved in helping you spot where he might be, crediting JimD's comments. Would the lady like herself ditched in the middle of a lion's field?!? Many RO'ers remarked about being a kind human, yet deeds like the dump of an unneutered/neutered rabbit infuriate me. There are shelters and sanctuaries and rescues and compassionate "private" people she could have turned to !!FIRST!!

Bravo for confronting Her. Praises for all you're doing. Have you got relatives, friends, understanding co-workers along with your boyfriend to help you search for him?
Prayers for his safe holding and capture! :pray::pray::pray:

News ran an article on a canine companion found underneath a porch recently in Winter conditions Wisconsin; two puppies dead, 2 still alive and breathing.... YAH WANT TO GET COVERAGE ON ALL animals and :cry1::hearts pets turned loose, in addition to dogs and cats.

A rabbit doesn't have emotions or feelings, experience pain - like a dog or cat?!? // ... "It's just a rabbit" :expressionless in her mind...

Prayers and support, stay safe DUTCH BOY.

Not in the USA. It is a drop of -domestic rabbit someone no longer wanted

keep placing hay in the rubbermaid tub for him. also put out fresh water and rabbit pellets. Maybe you'll be able to corner him. Place a bowl of rabbit pellets in the cage .and place the cage near the rubbermaid tub. just a thought. Letting a rabbit loose this time of year is horrable especially if it was kept in a house.
Lias_ark wrote:
also put out fresh water and rabbit pellets.
Oh my yes....I forgot to mention water.

A bun without water won't eat.

Maybe you can find an insulated bowl and fill it with warm water.
Probably every water source he's found is frozen.
Dehydration can be just as big a problem in the cold as it is in the heat.
trailsend wrote:
Sounds like a domestic bun set loose - it's terrible but so common. On our travels my partner and I have stopped at gas stations and camp grounds and found whole groups of buns living around garbage cans, all rabbits that were just dumped. :(

That's how we ended up with our Rosie.

Somebody dumped her and 3 others at a gas station...in the middle of winter!!
2 were killed in traffic, and the other 2 werenetted by one of our members and his wife (Buck & The Missus).

I also intervened when we found out an owner was going to let her bunny go in the wild, because she couldn't find a home and she was leaving the country for several months. She actually truly thought he would be ok and didn't understand that she would be condemning him to certain death. I met her on the day she was leaving...on the way to the airport...and did a bunnie-drop in a motel parking lot. That bun now is very happily placed with a new family that spoils him rotten!
I was about to reply saying there was no such thing as a black and white wild bunny until I read the entire thread. Thanks for doing all you can to save this little guy and I hope you find him again soon!
Poor little guy. I know this ***** is your co worker and you don't want trouble but maybe you can report her anyway? Dumping and abandoning a domesticated animal in the wild is not legal where I live and she can be fined big time. Maybe she might then reconsider ever getting another pet which she doesn't deserve.
JimD wrote:
Lias_ark wrote:
also put out fresh water and rabbit pellets.
Oh my yes....I forgot to mention water.

A bun without water won't eat.

Maybe you can find an insulated bowl and fill it with warm water.
Probably every water source he's found is frozen.
Dehydration can be just as big a problem in the cold as it is in the heat.
I have a heated bowl of water on my back porch for the cats that I have been TNRing in the area. I don't know that he would go up there though so I will move it down to the ground by the hay and stuff I have out for him. . . Actually, I will probably just go get another bowl, that way the cats won't get confused and maybe they will be more likely to leave his bowl alone. . . I really worry about him because of the ferals.
Another suggestion...I've read in a few past threads now that if you put some of your bunnies' poops around (and maybe in) the trap, you'll have more success luring him/her there.
maherwoman wrote:
Another suggestion...I've read in a few past threads now that if you put some of your bunnies' poops around (and maybe in) the trap, you'll have more success luring him/her there.
That's a good idea! When I clean the buns cages some times a couple little poops fall out of the litter box when I'm walking back to the compost pile, and the next day where I droped the poops there are a bunch of wild bunny tracks and wild bunny poo.
angoragrl wrote:
That is an awesome idea! I never would have thought of that one. Thanks for sharing.
You're so welcome. :)

I don't even remember where I read that one, but I did hear from a few threads that it was quite successful! :)

Praying you catch this sweetie...
Ok, finally got my laptop working again so I have access to the forum at home. As soon as I got home from work I went to the few neighbors houses that I am friendly with. The people that live behind me have seen Thumper too and thought it was odd to see a black and white bunny. I explained the situation to them and asked them to contact me if they see him again. They have dogs so I didn't want to set up any kind of shelter or anything to lure him over there. One of my other neighbors hasn't seen him but they did offer to help if there was anything that they could do so I brought one of the traps over to their house. They looked at me kind of funny when I put some of my rabbits droppings around it so I had to explain that I suspected he might be attracted to the scent and I'm hoping will want to explore the place because of it. They are going to call me if they catch anything. The hay I put out this morning was gone again so I am pretty sure he has been sticking close to my yard. I refilled that and brought some more supplies and another shelter to the people next door.

The couple that lives over there is young like Matt and I and I was talking to the girl for a while and if we can catch him, she expressed interest in adopting him. She had rabbits as a kid and I mentioned this site to her in case she wanted to do any more research on the matter. They live next door so even if it didn't work out for some reason, I am confident that she would return him to me, not do anything this stupid! My main concern (and I told her this) would probably be her cats because unlike mine, they are indoor/outdoor and I am not sure how they would react to a rabbit inside.

A few of the other people in the neighborhood looked at me like I was crazy but that's ok, at least they know if they see him that he is not a wild bunny and if they do somehow catch them, they all have my address. I'm sitting here now practically glued to the window hoping to catch site of him. I cut a small hole in the other side of the shelter and attached the trap to it and left all the good smelly treats inside the trap hoping to lure him into it.
I hope you find this little guy soon.

My Petra was also dumped on a busy street and luckily was spotted by Mary who was a neighbor of the lady that did it. I quess the lady that didn't want her anymore, got tired of feeding her etc and after getting drunk, just let her loose.

Mary managed to catch her the next morning. Then Mary called her sister who I work with and I adopted her right away.

Petra is soo sweet and loves to be held and just petted. I cant understand how anyone could have let her go like that.

We got him!!
My neighbor Tiffany just called me. Sometime between when I left for work about an hour and a half ago and now, he wandered into the trap! She has him at her house and is already calling a vet to set up a check up just in case. I know she said he seemed kind of scared but other then that he seems ok. I will let you know when I find out anything else.
:highfive: :woohoo:goodjob

Now that poor bunny will be well taken care of for the first time in his life. I hope he doesn't wind up with any respiratory problems from being out in the cold all this time. Good for you, taking all this time and effort to catch him.

As for that "woman" you work with (can't say whatI think on a family forum!) well....:devil
Wow, that's amazing.

I cannot believe the cruelty in some people, then you go in the other direction and their are people like you who will do anything intheir power to help these little critters. You deserve a GOLD star.


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