Wild Bunnies

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I see this guy very often on my way to work in the mornings.





Rainbows! :D
They no longer allow you to get right up close to Stonehenge. There's a wide expanse of grass between the monumental rocks and the rope that keeps you away from them. Nevertheless, I was thrilled to the point of skipping (probably literally, although there is no photographic evidence of such) to see a rabbit lounging among these massive stones. The photos stink, because I wasn't able to get close enough for a good shot, but here he is! Click on the photo to go to the full size picture. I tried to zoom in on the bunny.

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jen is right, why isnt it illegal?:tantrum:omg!he is sooo adorable, but the larger ones just freak me out!:nerves1

aaaaaaahhhhhh i just can't believe how lucky you are!:scared:

Oh that is so cute! I have a new summer baby in my yeard, so I should get some pictures of her here soon! She's just a little thing :D.

Also, babybabbit, it's very hard to read lime green ;).
I love the jackrabbit pics!!!!

Also, what could be more cool than rabbits at Stonehenge?

Thanks for the great pictures Pet_Bunny and Elf Mommy.

(By the way that yawning bunny looks just like Pebbles.)
Jenni wrote:
(By the way that yawning bunny looks just like Pebbles.)
I'm yawning like Pebbles. Gotta get to bed. All these early morning Rabbit Runs get me so tire. :sleep:

Hop Away, Hop Away!





Rainbows! :run:
omg springs right i thought they were dear jumping about:colors::shock:!
Those are some cute Urbun rabbits.

Here's a bunny picture that I took from my kitchen window. This bun is trying to disquise herself as garden statuary!


The really neat thing is that this bun and another one like to eat the weeds out of my pots and they leave the roses!
Hehe! Well behaved buns! My mom isn't into her yardwork this year, so she says let the buns do the gardening for her. Munch munch and the little stuff disapears! :D

The raised bed that we usually have the veggies in is not safe from the buns either! I saw a few in there the other day where my moms 'good' plants are munching away. Boy, can they jump!

I have yet to see a hare in my neighbourhood.

We have ducks on a house lot that isn't built yet... it's filled with marsh water hehe.
Singing birds, grasshoppers, cicadae (locusts), field mice, cats... that's it I think.

boring :(
proxima centauri wrote:
I have yet to see a hare in my neighbourhood.
You are lucky. :D

There's a population explosionacrossCanada. I believe Pipp was talking about it in B.C. and in the news Nova Scotia had problems. We sure have enough here in Edmonton. I just saw a young one on our neighborslawn this afternoon. It must be the high cycle for rabbits this year.

Rainbows! :)
In the industrial area where my brother works, there are TONS of wild buns! I always see atleast 3-4!I guess they can have a huge outbreak because theres lots of foliage to eat and as shelter, and no real predators except the danger of cars if they are near the road.

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