I recently bought a male rabbit. She is still quite young, only a 2 months old i'd say and very friendly - he'll come to the cage door/side of the run whenever someone walks past and whenever he has the opportunity he is constantly licking me. he seems very happy. However, a friend convinced me to get him a friend to keep company, so I bought female rabbit yesterday. and she is same age some days different .Although she was in a cage with other rabbits when I bought her, she seems alot more timid and on edge than my first one, and she seems to be very young as shes quite a bit smaller than my other one. When I first put them in the cage together my rabbit sniffed her tentively whilst the newbie sat in fear, and for a while they seemed fine together, we put them in the same cage and my first rabbit immediately cuddled upto the shaking baby. However, a few hours later and me being ignorant to the ways of bonding rabbits, my old rabbit was chasing the terrified baby around, and charging at her.
Is this normal? I don't think my first rabbit is being aggressive, when she does catch up to the new one she never does anything more than sniff her bum and cuddle against her, she even looks at me as if to say "this is a great new play toy", however the chasing itself is terrifying the new one, who is still not used to me, and is probably still recovering from the ordeal of being taken from her home to a new one. For the moment, they are seperated. I would very much appreciate some advice on bonding the two.
Is this normal? I don't think my first rabbit is being aggressive, when she does catch up to the new one she never does anything more than sniff her bum and cuddle against her, she even looks at me as if to say "this is a great new play toy", however the chasing itself is terrifying the new one, who is still not used to me, and is probably still recovering from the ordeal of being taken from her home to a new one. For the moment, they are seperated. I would very much appreciate some advice on bonding the two.