Why doesn't my bunny want to eat?

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See if this will work as your Avatar...the picture under your name.

Save the picture in your hard drive, remember where you saved it,

Then go into "My Account"

Then find the file "Avatar"

And where it has a line and a browse button, click on the browsebutton, find where you saved it in the hard drive, double click on itand hopefully it will turn up as your Avatar.

If it doesn't work, I may have it at the wrong size. Ifsomeone else can do a better job with the Avatar, don'thesitate. No hard feelings here!


Hi Carolyn - Hi everyone - Thanks - He is doinggreat today - eating a little of everything I give him - I think he wasjust lonely - I pet him alot and he always eats after I hold himawhile.mary
Hi Carolyn - Little Boy Blue isn't blue today! Heis eating a little bit of everything in his little house. He has freshhay, a carrot, bunny pellets, a stick and of coarse plenty of freshwater. He is very happy today. Thank you for all of your help. I can'tseem to get a picture of him to go. It keeps saying it is the wrongsize. I'll try again tomorrow. Thanks for all the good advice Carolynand AnnaS and everyone else that helped me. I think it was harder on methen Blue. Talk to you soon.mary
Oh what a little baby bunny, I guess he just missed his mommy, but now he has you for a mommmy.:)
Hi -- I thought I would giveeveryone an update on Blue. He is doing just fine now. Back to being aBunny. He eats good, plays and drinks lots of water. He loves when Igive him fresh hay. He will run over to it and start munching away. Ihave so much fun with him. He must be the most petted Bunny ever. But Ibet everyone says that about their baby. I am so happy he isn't sick.:)
So glad to hear that our Little Boy Blueisokay.



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