Why does she do this almost everyday?

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Haha, some buns just like redecorating. If she isn't too much of a chewer, you could give her a towel to throw around instead of her flooring. You could also try sticking the flooring to the groin with tape or something so she can't pick in up and throw it ;)
She's rearranging it to the way she likes it :)

Some bunnies are just really busy and like to rearrange things. Clipping a litter box to the side of the cage can help fix that part of it. If the food and water bowls spilling is an issue, using the ones that secure to the side of the cage might be a better alternative. The rest of it... just consider it as being good entertainment for her and giving her something fun to do.

Just a few other small changes you may want to make. It would be a good idea to get rid of the duct tape on the box. It wouldn't be a good thing for a bun to ingest when nibbling on the box. I usually just use the box itself, and fold the top flap under to secure the bottom or top of a box. Using zip ties is another safer alternative. Also with the shelf in the cage, it would be really good to get the wire grids covered with something so that she doesn't accidently get a foot caught and get injured. Could be as simple as using zip ties to secure some cardboard, with maybe fleece secured with binder clips on top so it's not slippery, or a thin piece of plywood cut to fit and secured with zip ties. There's just a really big risk of injury occuring because of the wide spacing of the wire.
Bunstruction! My little guy tends to do this out of protest. For him it means let me out of here or I will blow this popcicle stand sky high! I am surprised to see the food still in the bowl LOL cause around here that usually gets tossed and scattered too.
Ahh, this reminds me of how picky my Faye used to be :)

For food/water dish security you can get crocks that attach to the cage & for the litter pan you can stab/cut a few holes along the edge and thread some twist ties through and secure that around the bars :nod
Figures :p

Have you tried using binder clips to secure them to the wire shelf?

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