Why do you come to the forum?

Rabbits Online Forum

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I came here after just losing my first bun. I had been searching and searching for a forum. I found a general pet one that had a rabbit section. It was so slow. This forum is what I was looking for, but I never imagined one this awesome:D.

In addition, I came to learn. I am stillhere to learn, can never know everything:panic:. I also love the members and Mods. Like Naturestee said, somewhere where you matter, I feel that way here as well. I also love hearing the stories everyone tells. Whether sad or funny. Sharing in others experiences is also what I love. I enjoy helping others and giving advice or just sympathy when it's needed.
I come here too...

  • See the pics of all the cute buns, that other people have
  • Talk to all the friends I have made here
  • Help/Inform new people with the information that I have
  • Learn more about how to take care my my buns and more that I can do for them
  • To talk to people that have bunnies and love to talk and share pics of them.
Well I also wanted to say that I love everyone on this site. We are all in a big "rabbit community"! I also wanted to say that there is hardly any drama, fights etc.. Like the other forums I'm on, fights are always happening. But I love this forum!

I come to the forum because I can. :bunnydance:

If I can think of some useful ideas like a screened litter box, I would share with everybody. If I can post a picture for someone to enjoy, I would. If I could be supportive, I would. If I can be ofhelp ... well you know where I am.
Pet_Bunny wrote:
If I can be ofhelp ... well you know where I am.
So when are you coming to Texas to take awesome pictures of my buns?

Seriously - you have such a gift for photography......I wish you could come here and take all of my pictures of Zeus...and Miss Bea ... and... and ..... and...

LOL! I guess so! You'd like Mom too - she was the little girl who brought home the apron full of little black and white kitties to love...... They smelled a bit funny, but she didn't care......

Gabby wrote:
so is that why I like you bo b bunny... hmm now the truth is out LMAO
I come here because i don't know anyone who is as crazy a bunny lover as me,it's fun to be able to share things with everyone on here...to read other people stories about their bunnies and even just getting to know people through their stories...just being able to be there through the good times and the bad times....and of course learning all i can about these wonderful little creatures...knowing that other people have naughty little buggers who chew walls...like one or two of mine do ;)

I first came to the forum while trying to research rabbits because i was thinking about adding a bunny to the zoo that i already have. I have come to the conclusion that I NEED this forum, I need the information and knowledge that i get here from reading and from people here. This forum is pretty nice because the drama level is low, of course you can not get away from drama on the internet but it is at a minimal here and i like that. The people are nice here, and they arent paying me to say so,lol,unless they want to then i will give you my address. I also come here outof habit too it is one of the 10 things i pull up in the morning. I have been on many forums and some are just cold, and the people are out right rude and if you dont think the way they think you are not welcomed, and it isn ot like that here.
Bo B Bunny wrote:
LOL! I guess so! You'd like Mom too - she was the little girl who brought home the apron full of little black and white kitties to love...... They smelled a bit funny, but she didn't care......

Gabby wrote:
so is that why I like you bo b bunny... hmm now the truth is out LMAO
AWWW bless her heart:D
I'm replying before reading the other responses so my answer won't be swayed by them:

  • First reason was to learn more about rabbits. My girl had just been spayed and wasn't eating well and Midwest Rabbit Rescue referred me to Haley and Haley referred me to this website - Thank you MRR and Haley!
  • Now that I've done a lot of reading about rabbit care, I find that I like reading about others rabbits and love the pics and stories. I don't have a lot of time each day to check in but usually spend a bit of time at lunch browsing what's new.
  • I pop in occasionally with a question in the nutrition or behavior and once in the infirmary section. This forum is a great resource when you have a sick bun.


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