I myself a lover of Beatrix Potter stories as a kid, had a house bunny long before "house rabbits" as a rule existed.
Me too, Gabby...my first rabbit was a little grey dutch named Brandy who lived in my bedroom; that was back in - oh, I think it was around 1971 or so. (And when she passed away suddenly of an intestinal parasite, she was followed by Billy Jack - a semi-wild rabbit who was too cool for words (
), and then Thumper, the first of my real 'heart-bunnies'. I knew of no one else who kept a pet rabbit, aside from my aunt and uncle who kept a bunny for my two cousins...and that rabbit, unfortunately, spent it's entire life outdoors in a hutch that was attached to the garage. I don't believe he ever experienced affection from a human, or the freedom to run around a grass-filled lawn. That was the attitude in those days toward rabbits; they either were an animal to be kept hidden away in a cramped outdoor cage, or they were on the dinner list for any particular night. It seemed I was the only loopy one in the area who saw them as living creatures with actual personalities and needs. :?