Why do you come to the forum?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2007
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Very simple question. We will all come for different reasons, so I just wondered why YOU, yes you reading the thread,came.
Two things,

1, I don't have any clue which is the best place for this thread, so feel free to move it.

2, I didn't say why I come. So I'll go first.

I come to try and help people (both rabbit related and personal related) and bunnies, to maybe get to know people who also like rabbits. I also come to make use of the great articles on the site, and occassionally post about the odd problem I have with mine, but I don't like taking stuff from the forum so I only post if really necessary. It's also a GREAT way to pass time!
I come here because I like a lot of the people on here, and I think there are so many people that can contribute plenty of valuable advice. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Amy (undergunfire) is the reason why Nemo is still with me today. I never would have known how to take care of a rabbit that I impulsively rescued one day without her finding my craigslist cry for help and telling me about this forum.

I hope I can contribute enough to balance what I get out of this place, honestly. Nemo lives a beautiful life, and I owe it all to anyone who has ever answered my random questions and offered up suggestions.

I enjoy reading and talking among others who have similar interests from all over.

It's interesting to me to read about the other countries and even other states and how things are done there.

I love seeing all of the bunnies and if and when I can help with something - that is wonderful.

Working with all of theother people who keep the forum going - it's just a small tithing, orform of giving back to the people who have helped me - and to be able to help others by doing so - which helps the other bunnies who I adore!

So, I guess I have lots of reasons but first and foremost is to help where and when I can.

I come on here to

• Make friends that have the same intrests as me (Not just buns though they are the main topic, other things as well in the Let your Hare down threads)

• Talk about buns, buns and more buns

• Be there for someone to talk to if they are in need.

•I luv all the friends I have made on here buns and ppl,

Thank you

When I first joined, it was to learn.

Now, I come here both to learn and to help people, and because I feel a connection with a lot of people on here. Bunny people seem to have a lot of stuff in common. This forum is also like a lifeline for me, especially when one of my rabbits is sick and I'm scared. I've been a wreck all week with Loki and the support has been great.

I think one of the big things is that I need to feel like I matter somewhere, somehow, and I feel that way here. Not just being a mod and stuff, but when I was just a normal member I was made to feel like I mattered.
naturstee, that's true - I think that we all matter here. Like... we all care so much about people, animals, and stuff like that (I think bunny people have very big, caring hearts) and we really do matter to each other.

I originally came here when I got Onion, Cricket and Bumblebee and needed a crash course on rabbits.

I evaluated the forum myself to see how the people were. A big "test" for me was a thread at the time about "pit bulls". I respected how that thread was done and how people presented themselves.

I continue to come for the advice, to help with the rescue and adoption section, to make and continue with friendships I've made here, to be a voice for disabled bunnies... and to pass time chatting with others.

If I can lend support I offer. If I can help, I do. I try to be a positive influence and when I find that I'm not I step back because negativity and drama isn't something I am fond of spreading or participating in.

Simply put, I love rabbits and enjoy the company of others. As one who lives alone, the forum can bve a great place to be.
Like many people, I joined originally for the rabbit knowledge. We hadn't long had rabbits and I spent all my spare time researching about how to take care of them, etc.

I now come here for rabbit knowledge, to learn about everybody elses rabbits, to look at all the cute pictures, and to see how everybody else is doing. In other forums I never saw the point of an off-topic board, like Let Your Hare Down. Here, it's one of the boards I read the most, because as well as the reason we're all here, the bunnies, I care about the people that are owned by the bunnies, and how they're doing. Like Bo B Bunny said, I also find it fascinating to learn about how things are done in different countries and parts of the world. I don't think that I really help people that much, so it's not the main reason I come here. I'll put in wherever I think I can answer a question, but I still have a lot to learn so I make my main contribution the cute pictures in my blog! :p

Also, have to say again...

I agree with Jen... When I was told about the forum I thought it would bea great place to learn and share information - and it has proved to be very good for that. And I've also enjoyed sharing my pictures & stories about my animal family, and learning about everyone elses (and enjoying their pictures!)

and like I said, I live far back in the woods and I spend ALL of my time with my animals, and my other half, which is not a bad thing, but I have made friends here and it is an enjoyable place I come to also relax and enjoy the company of other nice, bunny loving, people. I spend a lot of my evenings (and breaks during the day!) just checking threads, and I just think it's a really great community as well. Any other forum I've joined, I've never stayed at because I found little use for it, and most of the information going around was just plain wrong.I don't find that here. :)
I came for the information,. and stayed for the people and the wonderful information! :D

There are so many wonderfulpeople here.. it's amazing! A lot of wonderful, knowledgeable people too!
I come for the comraderie. I enjoy sharing what info I can, love reading about other folks bunny antics, and am especially interested in the rescue aspect.

There are so many awesome people on RO and I adore them all!
when I first got the Internet i looked for groups of people with similar interests to myself.

and about 10 years or so ago I found Rabbits Only on the delphi forums,it then moved in 2004, and then most recently became Rabbits Online.

so basically i came to find others who1) loved rabbits, and 2 has similar views on rabbits. for example, that they are intelligent animals who have feelings, and can make very good "house pets" or maybe more proper term "indoor companion".. but i like phrases everyone can understand.

I myself a lover of Beatrix Potter stories as a kid, had a house bunny long before "house rabbits" as a rule existed.

Force of habit? :p

Originally I came to talk to other people about rabbits. Now I just look on here a lot because I'm so used to it, even though I hardly post anymore, because it takes about half an hour for the
emoticons to load and I can't type until they do. :grumpy:
Flashy, I originally joined the forum because at the time, I was contemplating getting a rabbit. Even though I had raised and showed rabbits in my late teens/early 20s, I did recognize the fact that my overall knowledge of rabbits in general was lacking in some areas, and completely outdated in others. So in attempting to research up-to-date info about rabbits as pets, I stumbled across the RO forum and was immediately impressed with both the number of people who - like me - loved rabbits; and was also quite impressed with the awesome knowledge many of the members possessed. (Buck Jones, who passed away not long after I joined, was one of the members I was incredibly impressed with, as was Carolyn, and also Pam. Many others are on my list, but these three were the first members I recall being in awe of, for both their knowledge of rabbits and their compassion for them.)

I continue to frequent the forum for a few reasons: a) the wealth of knowledge here about rabbit health and wellbeing, esp in the archived sections, is second to none; b) the people in this community share one common interest: rabbits...something that is quite unique and tends to bond many who might not otherwise ever cross paths; and c) this forum carries a wonderful ambience, where people generally get along very well. I find it rather rare to locate a forum on the Internet with such a combination of attributes, and this is why - even though I don't always participate in posting - I do love coming here.
I myself a lover of Beatrix Potter stories as a kid, had a house bunny long before "house rabbits" as a rule existed.

Me too, Gabby...my first rabbit was a little grey dutch named Brandy who lived in my bedroom; that was back in - oh, I think it was around 1971 or so. (And when she passed away suddenly of an intestinal parasite, she was followed by Billy Jack - a semi-wild rabbit who was too cool for words (;)), and then Thumper, the first of my real 'heart-bunnies'. I knew of no one else who kept a pet rabbit, aside from my aunt and uncle who kept a bunny for my two cousins...and that rabbit, unfortunately, spent it's entire life outdoors in a hutch that was attached to the garage. I don't believe he ever experienced affection from a human, or the freedom to run around a grass-filled lawn. That was the attitude in those days toward rabbits; they either were an animal to be kept hidden away in a cramped outdoor cage, or they were on the dinner list for any particular night. It seemed I was the only loopy one in the area who saw them as living creatures with actual personalities and needs. :?
Bassetluv wrote:
I myself a lover of Beatrix Potter stories as a kid, had a house bunny long before "house rabbits" as a rule existed.

Me too, Gabby...my first rabbit was a little grey dutch named Brandy who lived in my bedroom; that was back in - oh, I think it was around 1971 or so. (And when she passed away suddenly of an intestinal parasite, she was followed by Billy Jack - a semi-wild rabbit who was too cool for words (;)), and then Thumper, the first of my real 'heart-bunnies'. I knew of no one else who kept a pet rabbit, aside from my aunt and uncle who kept a bunny for my two cousins...and that rabbit, unfortunately, spent it's entire life outdoors in a hutch that was attached to the garage. I don't believe he ever experienced affection from a human, or the freedom to run around a grass-filled lawn. That was the attitude in those days toward rabbits; they either were an animal to be kept hidden away in a cramped outdoor cage, or they were on the dinner list for any particular night. It seemed I was the only loopy one in the area who saw them as living creatures with actual personalities and needs. :?
i was also the kid who took in the injurred animals that cats caught and what not and tried to fix them up, some mended well other died within hours, nothing anyone could have done at the time, but couldn't tell me as a kid that.

Had 3 baby skunks one year that their mom had gotten killed, called the wild life place and they had no room for about 2 weeks, so they told me how to care for them until they could come get them (I was 14)

some my best play mates growing up in a very rural area were furry and 4 legged, I even had a pet chicken named Lovely.. (grew up on a farm in a flock of 15, i was allowed 3 favs who were not touched)..

I knew I liked you guys!

I was the little girl who - when everyone screamed and ran from the raccoon who wanted to visit us at the bus stop - went in and got a couple of clothes baskets, tomato soup, and dog chow..... and caught myself a raccoon!

Mom came home to a raccoon in 2 clothes baskets tied together with string.... ON HER KITCHEN COUNTER EATING TOMATO SOUP! LOL!

Oh yeah.... how fun.

That coon ended up being a lost pet but we didn't know that at the time. I just knew he wanted to be friends and needed fed.

**** My mom answered a phone call yesterday from her neighbor warning her that a large raccoon was crawling over the fence into her yard and to "be careful and not let the dogs out, etc, etc." Mom told her "Oh that's just Coonie. She's pregnant and came here last year with all her babies. She's real sweet and even takes food from my hand..... she taps on the door to let us know she's here for dinner".......

:faint:<--- The neighbor.

I didn't fall far from the tree, did I?
