Why are bunny growls so cute?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2008
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Saratoga, New York, USA
I can get my Smokey bun to growl basically anytime i want by swishing a cat's tail in his face. It's hilarious and super cute. He sounds like a small cat purring. It isn't intimidating in the least...
It reminds me of those "growlers" that they used to put in stuffed toys (mostly bears). Do you know what I am talking about? The ones that you would squeeze and they would growl? Bunny grunts remind me of that! :)
Yay, I'm not the only one! The shelter people think I'm funny cause I like the cage-aggressive buns. Especially if they growl at me. Come on, it's a cute little furry thing and it's trying to scare me away! Who wouldn't laugh?

Cute facts: When I first got Fey, she growled at me every time I touched her blessed water bowl or hay. Her growl sounds a lot like Marge Simpson when she's mad! Also, Dora's growl is really nasal and sounds like a Canada goose honking. I bust out laughing every time, and she just stands there trying to be so serious!
Nibbles used to grunt like a little piggie!! When I was brushing him, he hated that!
I miss the bunny growls... but now that I am back to work and ready, I am trying to schedule my gotcha day for next Saturday if the breeders are available. These are my impending Holland Lops... my future Checkered Giants are in production on the West Coast - a wonderful breeder contacted me; she ships and she hopes to have rabbits ready to ship by April. Holland growls were cute... I am wondering what a Checkered Giant's growl is going to sound like? I hope I never have to find out! :)

Princess growls when I touch anything in her cage, it's not cute though cause I get a nasty bite with it! The bun growled at me too when I tried to pick her up today lol, but she was probably scared.
My family is scared of Pumpkin because he lounges at them and growls. Luckily hes got a forever home with me because I too think its just the funniest thing (as long as he doesn't try to bite... biting not cute lol). Try to grab his banana toy and on comes the boxing and "grrrr", then he'll rip it out of your hand and prance around the room and do binkies with it. I have never had a rabbit do binkies with a toy in it's mouth. Pumpkin doesn't like picking up actually playing with the toys, he just likes the fact that they are "his". haha
Bo growls and thumps at the cat, me if I'm annoying him, etc., and I know he gets even more angry cause I laugh every time!

Little bunnies being "mean and wild bunnies" just cracks me up !
I think a growl is what I call a grunt?
Marley does it all the time! She'll do it when I'm giving her a treat like she's saying "About time!" It's so funny and cute!
Nibbles growl-grunts when she's excited - it's hard to describe, but it's more of a "grr-honk" sound. She cracks me up. (Such a fierce little 3-lb. Dutch! ;))
Benjamin doesn't growl but he sort of lunges and grunts when I try and pick up his food bowl!! Not nice!! Luckily he hasn't actually got my hand yet but I know that could be coming soon!
Yeah, the lunge and grunt/growl. I can get Smokey going if I chase him w/ my hand and poke his tale. He starts shaking his head furiously and then lunges at my hand and growls. So cute.
Bo growls and grunts! Growling is like a dog or cat growl. Grunting can mean the same but it's hilarious to hear a little bunny growl!!
Becca wrote:
Benjamin doesn't growl but he sort of lunges and grunts when I try and pick up his food bowl!! Not nice!! Luckily he hasn't actually got my hand yet but I know that could be coming soon!
Princess does this exactly, except she got me once and it was sore!