I was incredibly scared to bring our new bunny home.
I was afraid it would bite, or I would be allergic to it. I am incredibly allergic to hamsters, guinea pigs, chinchillas, ect. We went and visited the rabbitry run by one of my daughter's friends and I got all in there petting and hanging out in the pen area so I could see if I had a reaction before committing. Not one sniffle.
Then I was scared about my dog and our cats. My dog is an Aussie Shepard with a high kill rate for rats, mice, and squirrels that wander into our yard. I was terrified he would go after the rabbit, or the cats would.
Well we brought her home yesterday and set her up in the living room so she wouldn't be lonely. It's on a table so none of the animals can nose around at her. The dog sniffed her cage, got bored and hasn't paid attention since. Only our youngest cat is still fixated on her 24 hours later. Both older cats have moved on.
I almost decided to let her out to play tonight in a room with no other pets but then read the article above and we will keep her confined another 24 hours.