Who's having babies?

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I just joined the forum but figured I would post my most recent liters.

I have 5 cute red eyed white mini satins on december 13th. Mom is SUPER MOM. Lots of fur and fat bellies.:D

I had a litter of 6 lionheads on December 25th<2 daysearly>, sable points and torts and maybe one siamese sable butprobably black. Mom is like the mini satin, lots offur and fatbellies:DWhat a christmas prestent.

I a litter of 5 more lionheads days later. My rewbucks first litter, and no rews:( but I cannot complain.

AND all moms are first timers.

I will try to get pics soon.
Congrats on those babies. I love lionheads (think I'd have to since I breed them..).

We've had six new babies born this week....all torts I think. I'm so excited.

Here is an update on my lionlop rabbits - or atleast the one I'm keeping. He's a buck and we're naming him"Billy Sunny" (a play on Silly Bunny).

[align=left]I just wanted to post some pics of babies
Lionhead litter
3 torts 1 sable point and 1 black or siamese sable
[align=left]Here is my mini satin litter when they were still in the box. They are now 2 weeks old.

Here is my last litter for now. It isalso a lionhead litter. I have really big hopes for thislitter and of course I lost one today.:(
there all look like torts and sable points maybe blue torts?

Hello Everyone.

Man has it been a very busy 3 weeks. I am new to this sitebut my sister who shares a barn with me (kirinsangel) have had 27babies in the last 3 weeks!!! My husband, kids, and I breedholland lops, velveteen lops, and mini rex. The mini rex arethe kids. The lops are mine, my hubby's and our co-breederSarrah's. If you would like to see a website I sure can passit along. Peg you should know who I breed with. Wecame to your hotel room last nationals and were just filled withenergy. lol

Hope everyone likes the pics

I will post pics that I took today.
My sister's mini satin litter
my velveteen lop litter
my sisters tort lionhead litter
and 2 of my holland lop litters

We are also expecting 6 more litters in the next two weeks!!!! Well I guess its that time of year again



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