Who's Cold in the UK?

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Bunnys_rule63 wrote:
We have snow here!:pAlthough most of it has melted by now.:grumpy:It is SO COLD!!! I've just been horse riding and literally can't feel my toes or fingers! I swaddled Smokey up in loads of layers to make sure he stays nice and toasty before I turned him back out into the field. Millie seems to be fine, although her run is all sheltered so she's mostlyout of the cold.

I like snow - but I hope it warms up a bit soon!:?
This is off topic but omg did you get that horse? lol!

I didnt really see much of the snow, it was snowing through the night and then it went warmer, melted to slush, made the ground like sinking sand and started to hail like mad!
Luv-bunniz wrote:
Bunnys_rule63 wrote:
We have snow here!:pAlthough most of it has melted by now.:grumpy:It is SO COLD!!! I've just been horse riding and literally can't feel my toes or fingers! I swaddled Smokey up in loads of layers to make sure he stays nice and toasty before I turned him back out into the field. Millie seems to be fine, although her run is all sheltered so she's mostlyout of the cold.

I like snow - but I hope it warms up a bit soon!:?
This is off topic but omg did you get that horse? lol!

I didnt really see much of the snow, it was snowing through the night and then it went warmer, melted to slush, made the ground like sinking sand and started to hail like mad!

Do you mean re the whole faff with his stupid owner? Well...I don't really know! We told her that we would buy him for less (not theridiculous price she was suggesting:X) and she never got back to us - and this was literally weeks ago!:rollseyes So for now I am just treating him like he ismine. After all, I am the one who has totally taken care of him and taken over all his expenditures for the last 17 months while she has been off with the fairies. He is mine in everything except paperwork....unfortunately!

Luckily horse people are very loyal and all my horsey friends promised to help me put off any prospective buyers in the event that she does decide to sell him on for £5000. I have a friend who I ride out with whose horse is really forward going andwho Smokey always races against, so I'll just send any nervous possible buyers out for a gallop with them and that should put them off for life!;):p

Hot'n'muggy here in New Zealand :tongue. It's been 21C in the house since I got up at 5, but it's cooled down a bit since I threw open some windows.

However it's only a week out from summer here, and there was a huge snowfall somewhere down the country, really weird! The weather seesm to be so confused.

Michelle :lookaround
Pouring with rain here right now too, probably will all week. I swear that living in Auckland is like living under the worlds largest shower head :p.

I've never seen snow except for on TV and internet etc, so I want snow too! Don't think it's ever snowed anywhere near me before though, poop :grumpy:.
NZminilops wrote:
Pouring with rain here right now too, probably will all week. I swear that living in Auckland is like living under the worlds largest shower head :p.

I've never seen snow except for on TV and internet etc, so I want snow too! Don't think it's ever snowed anywhere near me before though, poop :grumpy:.
Sounds just the same as here. Welcome to my world:(
NZminilops wrote:
I've never seen snow except for on TV and internet etc, so I want snow too! Don't think it's ever snowed anywhere near me before though, poop :grumpy:.
I live in Florida, and believe it or not we actually get snow at least once every winter. Granted, it is some reallylame flurries that melt before they hit the ground...but, it's still snow!
slavetoabunny wrote:
NZminilops wrote:
I've never seen snow except for on TV and internet etc, so I want snow too! Don't think it's ever snowed anywhere near me before though, poop :grumpy:.
I live in Florida, and believe it or not we actually get snow at least once every winter. Granted, it is some reallylame flurries that melt before they hit the ground...but, it's still snow!
That's not fair at all lol!! We get snow, sometimes, but it just turns to slush instantly, because we're in the city with so many cars about etc...

I remember when we lived in Idaho for 3 months when I was younger, and went to stay in the Rocky Mountains.... Now THAT was proper snow :D

I actually wouldn't mind if it was just icy cold and frosty here.... I'd just like it to stop raining lol! Because of my ankle I can't wear stitches at the moment, so I'm wearing flats all the time and I keep getting wet feet! :p

Edit: What on earth? I meant to say that because of the stitches in my ankle I can't wear my boots at the moment, LOL!!! :biggrin2:
Hahaha Jen! I wouldn't have even noticed you'd said the words the wrong way around unless you pointed it out. I swear there is something wrong with my brain, I almost always type something like that on here and have to go back and correct it, so it seems normal to see someone else doing it. I'll even see myself typing something like "cupboard" when I meant to say cup, but it looks like cup in my head. I think I'm losing my marbles :shock:.

Is Florida normally hot? Forgive my ignorance but the USA is so huge and so far away I don't know all that much about it. NZ is sub-tropical, not sure what that means really, but the topmost areas are fairly mild temperature-wise, but we have a lot of humidity that makes it feel stifling in the summer. I would say it never gets colder than 40F all year round, nor hotter than 85F. Normally it's somewhere between 50F-70F all year. Further down the country we get excellent snow though up on the mountains and have lots of skii feilds and all that stuff.
Is Florida normally hot? Forgive my ignorance but the USA is so huge and so far away I don't know all that much about it. NZ is sub-tropical, not sure what that means really, but the topmost areas are fairly mild temperature-wise, but we have a lot of humidity that makes it feel stifling in the summer. I would say it never gets colder than 40F all year round, nor hotter than 85F. Normally it's somewhere between 50F-70F all year. Further down the country we get excellent snow though up on the mountains and have lots of skii feilds and all that stuff.
Lol, Florida is very hot and humid in the summer - May though October usually. Actually May and October aren't too bad, the ones in between are wicked though. Contrary to popular belief, it can get very nippy here in the winter, We often have freeze warnings and I have learned that a coat in the winter is a good idea. I thought just because I lived in Florida that I didn't need one.

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