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Jason and I talked it over last night and we'vedecided not to try and bond them. Iszy's conditionwould make it too risky. I think the stress would be too muchfor her, and I don't to risk putting her in stasis.
I think you're right Lissa -- sometimes 2 women can't rule the warren ;)

There is no way our Princess would have ever tolerated another rabbit -- but she did love the dog LOL

Bonding can most certainly berewarding, but the process is very often stressful. I know of very fewbonded pairs that didn't fight terribly at first. The end resultmay be wonderful, but it's not worth putting Iszy through that with analready comprimised system.

You're a good mommy, your girls are lucky to have you :)

~Emily and the Fuzzbutts~
Okay, I found a bite on Pristine.:? What do I do for her? It's not bleeding anymoreand it's about the size of a pea.
Clean well with peroxide and watch carefully for any signs of infection which could progress into a serious abscess.

Be careful and watch it closely. We don't want the same thing happening to Pristine as what happened to Corky.
Lissa wrote:
Okay, I found a bite on Pristine. :?What do I do for her? It's not bleeding anymore and it'sabout the size of a pea.
Just seeing this now. So much for Iszy being afraid.

I'm so sorry to hear this. Will keep your baby girl in mythoughts and prayers. You might want to give Iszy anotherlook-over as well.


I will check Iszy over when I get home for lunch in about 15minutes. I feel so bad now. :(
You have to let that go. Feeling badlyisn't going to do anything for you. It happened, it was amistake, and you take where you are from here and go forward.You know you would've stopped it if you had any control atall.

Don't wear the hair shirt. You'll be sure that you keep itclean and you'll keep a close eye on it and insure that this won'thappen again. There's nothing more you can do.

Chin up.


I'd give her some NutriCal to boost her immune system. Can't hurt!
It's true. You getting upsetis only going to upset your babies more. Especially littlePristine who loves her Mommy so much.

Believe me, I know that you - of all people - have no problems takingyour little ones to the vet if you think that there's trouble on thehorizon. Look for the wound to appear swollen, red, andchange in size and diameter. Make sure she keeps eating, ofcourse. You know the rest.

No worries. You caught it early and I know you'll watch it like a Hawk. I'll say prayers anyway.



P.S. Watch for pus if it goes, lethargy, weight loss, and temperature.
Thanks again, Carolyn. :)Jason is the one who found the wound on Pristine. I've taughthim well. :wink: I checked Iszy over and she looksgood.

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