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Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2004
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So I woke up Saturday morning to asurprise. Pristine had somehow managed once againtofind her way into Iszy's cage. :shock2:There was a lot of fur(mostly

Iszy's). Pristine was sitting pretty next to Iszy's food bowl while Iszy sat in the

corner with her back to Pristine. She was not a happybunny. Not only had Pristine

given her one terrible haircut...but she had also eaten all of her pellets and hay.

Naturally, Jason is freaking out at me for accidently leaving Iszy'scage unlocked. :tantrum: I can imagine Lenci atRainbow Bridge really enjoying this entertainment.:popcorn:

I was quite taken back by the strong body language between both

bunnies. Nobody was injured (except Iszy's ego) and they both sat quietly in the

cage. It has me quite curious now. I think I may try to bond them.

you got one lucky bunny not to beinjured!! if fur was flying id be very careful in attempts tobond, next time may not go so nicely. instead of fur you mayget some nasty bite wounds.
Keep a close eye on Izzy. Bunny bitesaren't always easy to see through all that fur. But if sheturns out to be okay, bonding may be a little easier now that they haveworked out who is in charge.
I looked both of them over really good and didnot notice any bites. I was worried the most about Iszybecause she was very shaken up. But when I let her out of hercage she started running around and binkying. I think she'sfine. ;) These two have had an encounter like thisin the past, except last time Pristine jumped her cage and there wasfur throughout the entire house. Poor little Isz.Don't worry...we gave her lots of treats. :)
Oh, poor Iszy!

Please keep an eye on her. The stress alone could set heroff, especially with her already compromised immune system.

Poor baby.


Iszy's cage was the wrong place for them tobond...I agree, but it happened. It also happened without mysupervision, which wasn't cool at all. Someone could havegotten seriously hurt. Of course if I decide to try and bondthem I'm going to do it my way...and not Pristine'sway. I still can't help but feel that this happened for areason.
I tried to bond Big Mama and Poppy, but boy was that a mistake !!!!!

It was under supervision, but fur went flying and I had a lovely chunkmissing from the bottom of one of my fingers. I still have ascar to this day.

Have a try at bonding them both, but sometimes, like with me, you may have to give up trying

Good Luck with it !!!!
Thanks Zee! :) The thing is,I had given up bonding Iszy. She seemed completelyimpossible. But after this, I really wonder if thingscould change. Like I said, their body language in that cagewas so strong. I had never seen Iszy so shaken up andsubmissive.
The fur flew like you would notbelieve when Rex and Peanut first met :shock: And now they areconstant companions, who were never so happy alone as they are now,together.

Best of luck with your girls!

~Emily and the Fuzzbutts~
Thanks for sharing your story, m.e. Itwould be so cool if Iszy and Pristine would bond someday. I'mnot sure if I want Jason around while I work on them though.He tends to be a little overprotective...even more so than mesometimes. :D
Laura wrote:
Oh, poor Iszy!

Please keep an eye on her. The stress alone could set heroff, especially with her already compromised immune system.

Poor baby.


Agree with that. Also, rabbits will fight until they gettired. They'll take a break from it until they feel strongagain and will finish the fight if they feel the need. IfIszy was that shaken up, I would probably leave well enoughalone. If you do have your heart set on trying it, make sureyou check out the post in the Cheat Sheet for bondingbunnies. I'd like to see it work, but would hate Iszy to gointo Stasis or be fearful the whole time you were trying it.


Carolyn wrote:
Agree with that. Also, rabbits will fight untilthey get tired. They'll take a break from it until they feelstrong again and will finish the fight if they feel the need.If Iszy was that shaken up, I would probably leave well enoughalone. If you do have your heart set on trying it, make sureyou check out the post in the Cheat Sheet for bondingbunnies. I'd like to see it work, but would hate Iszy to gointo Stasis or be fearful the whole time you were trying it.
Good point Carolyn. I'm definitely going to have to give thissome more thought considering Iszy's condition.
My biggest concern is that I've heard of caseswhere one rabbit has kicked and disemboweled the other. Havealso seen cases of testicles ripped open and even a case in my own barnwhere a young sibling ripped open the side of a litter mate.Rabbits are capable of some nasty bite and kick wounds (had a friendget seriously bit a few weeks ago). Having seen the resultsof what an angry rabbit can do, I'd err on the side of caution.


Just thought back to the time that our little Princess bit OFF the upper lip of another rabbit!

pamnock wrote:
Mybiggest concern is that I've heard of cases where one rabbit has kickedand disemboweled the other. Have also seen cases of testiclesripped open and even a case in my own barn where a young sibling rippedopen the side of a litter mate. Rabbits are capable of somenasty bite and kick wounds (had a friend get seriously bit a few weeksago). Having seen the results of what an angry rabbit can do,I'd err on the side of caution.


Just thought back to the time that our little Princess bit OFF the upper lip of another rabbit!

Wow! :shock:
I'd definitely say to err on the side of cautionand keep an eye on Iszy. But I also think that this could be a goodomen in the bonding process! I know Stephanie had some pretty goodfights on her hands before her three were successfully bonded. Maybeyou can set aside a good chunk of time at Christmas and make someprogress.
Lissa wrote:
edwinf8936 wrote:
So, you are rewarding this behavior?
I don't understand. :?
Neither do I :dunno:? I think Lissa wasntrewarding the behaviour Edwin8936, more on the lines of trying to calmher down and settle her. It wasn't a case of rewarding bad behaviouranywayand I think that was a bit off really what you put.

I hope you manage to get them bonded Lissa, that would be great. Just do it slowly and see how they get on. Good luck.


Didn't you call the local HRS coordinator when you were interested inbonding Lenci and Iszy? This might be a good time to get an opinionfrom someone who's probably bonded quite a few rabbits.

~Emily and the Fuzzbutts~
DaisyNBuster wrote:
Lissa wrote:
edwinf8936 wrote:
So, you arerewarding this behavior?
I don't understand. :?
Neither do I :dunno:? I think Lissa wasntrewarding the behaviour Edwin8936, more on the lines of trying to calmher down and settle her. It wasn't a case of rewarding bad behaviouranywayand I think that was a bit off really what you put.

I hope you manage to get them bonded Lissa, that would be great. Just do it slowly and see how they get on. Good luck.

I didnt understand this oneeither , Ed why would she be rewarding bad behavior, HAD you properly read it shewas treating the Rabbit whowas so shook up .and beaten. cripes I wish people would learnto comprehend a sentence .

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