Who keeps your bunnies company?

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I have..... -sucks in some air-

4 horses (expecting a foal in late April/May)
3 Mice
1 Hamster
1 Gerbil
3 Chickens (getting more next week along with peacocks)
1 Chameleon
4 Cats
1 Dog
and several fish!
I have a green anole named Godzilla whose cage ison the bookshelf next to Skittles. He hasn't met the buns (he's reallylittle!) except for once he jumped in Jellybean's cage then jumped backout. That was quite exciting.:?

I also have a Betta - Jaws II (the first Jaws died last summer) buthe's my office pet. It's not enough to be a slave at home!:p

I used to have a border collie - Sadie - when I lived w/my ex. Poco wasthe only bun I had back then who's still living. She was just a baby,so I used to supervise their together playtime VERY CLOSELY! Sadie wasso curious - her ears would perk up as she intently watched Poco. Thenshe'd lift up a paw like she was ready to bat this little furry "toy"across the room!

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