Well-Known Member
how is he? i've been thinking about him today.
My vet made me keep Drizzle in his cage to limit his movement and tomake him heal better for a week. He moved a little but not much. Iwould keep him from running around until his scrotum isn'tswollen.Hi Guys,
just thought to let you know that maomaochiu is getting better andbetter everyday. he can even jump on to the chair and couchnow. it is kind of hard to tell him not to do that.
i do have two questions. his scrotum is still kind ofswollen, and dark reddish purple color. don't know if that isnormal considering that it is already day No. 5 post surgery now.
the other question i have is that maomaochiu seems to be very scared ofthings (me included). he would spend hours just hidingunderneath my couch, and if i coax him out with his favorite treats, hewould come out, but after finishing the treats, he will go back to thehide again
is there anything i can do to ensure him that everything is still o.k.????