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No problem ladies and gentlemen. Uhm, sorry but I've already rehomed that red mini rex, he was gorgeous but not the typie enough for what I was looking for, but super friendly so I still rescued him and then rehomed him.

If you care to know, If you are still interested in NZR I did just mate the two, so I should have babies in the meer future.
Well, as for a red rabbit. The prettiest are obviously the Thrianta, but if you continue your search, you will find that Red Satins are quite the pretty animals. As for myself, I raise red, and only RED satins...along with other breeds. But the red satins I own and raise are so gorgeous and soft. Not soft in the rex kind of way, but soft in the "satin" kind of way. Hence the name. I think you should really look into the satins, for they are just wonderful. Easy to take care of, and quite tame if I do say so myself. Hope this helps. Visit my website @ Click on the "Satins" tab on the left hand side and look at the two satins I have now. Will be breeding for Easter. Babies are sure to be put on the site when born. Hope I helped your search!