Hi DJ's Mom,
Believe me, I've been where you are in trying to figure it all out with Tucker. I felt that I was depriving him and he was living a lonely life.
I've spoken to a lot of people about it and read up on it in any rabbit book I can find. For me, it was best not to change the way things were. Tucker was established and he knew the routine. I was thinking about getting him a companion for 2 years of his early life. Being a house rabbit, and considering all the 'cocoa puffs' JUST HE leaves around--WOW! Also, trying to keep an eye on him, even though the place is bunny-proofed, is a juggling act as well.
Wild rabbits dig a hole in the ground and that's their domain. They generally don't shack up. They're most active at dawn and dusk. Rabbits catnap all day long. Even on weekends, when I'm home during the hours when I'd normally be at work and Tucker's free to roam, he just sleeps.He could really care less about running around until the late afternoon, which is the time I come home. Here I was thinking he was missing out an all this fun, but all Mr. Lazy Bones was doing all day was snoozing.
Rabbits seem to pick one person or rabbit to love and that's the one that gets the rabbit's full attention. If you have two rabbits bonded, they're more apt to care less about you being in the room, which is fine if you never have time for them and take the proper steps in bonding them. Tucker will groom me, cuddle up to me, follow me like a dog, and communicates with me in all kinds of ways. There's a lot to be said for having that kind of relationship with a rabbit.
I didn't realize that you had such a traumatic experience when trying to bond two of your rabbits. Yikes! What a sight to see! I don't have to tell you anything about that.
You have to do what's best for you. It's not my call to deter or encourage you to get another companion for your rabbit. I just want to let you know that you're rabbit can live a perfectly happy life without one. Does Tucker get lonely? Probably sometimes, I suppose we all get lonely sometimes, even married, but we get over it. Every night he shows me how happy he is by his kisses, his racing around here, his binkying, and the way he shakes his hears and his head when I correct him, shaking me off.
Good luck in your decision.