Where Were You?

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I was 6, in 1st grade, but I was going in late that day because of an appointment and my 19 year old sister yelled for my mom and I to stop getting ready and come to her and the tv. I didn't understand it at all, I thought the entire country was going to be blown up. I don't know how long we sat there, I think I went to sleep from crying.
I don't think my school even let the kids know what was going on. I just remember my teacher getting a phone call (I was in 4th grade), he looked a little freaked out, and then we went on with our day. I also don't remember if we were let out early, but I do remember getting off the bus.
I walked up to my house, walked in, and my dad had the TV on. It showed a plane crashing into a building. I thought it was just a movie or something, I really didn't understand what was happening. And then my dad said it was real and I asked a bunch of questions, freaked out. He was oddly calm, probably for me. I also remember thinking that the whole country was going to be attacked. I remember it was a Tuesday because my mom was at a bowling league she went to on Tuesdays, and I was scared I might not see her again.
I get chills thinking about this day now. I'm almost glad I was so little when this happened; it didn't affect me as much as it did the adults and I learned about it slowly, not all at once. I can't imagine having to take in that tragedy all at once.