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:shock:It was a beautiful day heretoday, was like 17 degrees C, so not like our climate. We didn't getany snow at all this year:(

Global warming methinks....:?

Though sun in April is quite nice:cool:
It's been like 80 here! I always wish for theArizona Dry Heat to come back when it's winter, but then when itdoes....you REALLY wish for winter time again!

Ugh...and I am not a "shorts or skirts" person. I like "fall-type" clothes:headsmack

- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts
Michaela wrote:
:shock:It was a beautiful day here today, was like17 degrees C, so not like our climate. We didn't get any snow atall this year:(

Global warming methinks....:?

Though sun in April is quite nice:cool:

Oh yes it's been gorgeous weather here! So sunny and warm,yesterday it was 21*C, it felt like mid-summer.:shock:I wasenjoyingrelaxing in the sun with Ruby and Millie flopped outbeside me.:cool:They are such little sun worshipers - as soonas there is any tiny ray of sun they are flopped on their sides.:rofl:

I think it's been slllooowwww again. :(

Everyone's probably out enjoying the "Summer", but it's just rain here. :grumpy:

~Michaela, Ebony, Pebble, Madison & Angel Bunny Berri~

Too true! It's summer here and I'm bored! I come on here and reply to what I can reply. I play DDR a lot to keep busy.

I've had a busy summer. Major house cleaning, Matthew back and forth to camp, Cub Scouts,Rabbit ClubPaperwork and taking care of a family - the work never ends:?

During June/July I was gone doing a maaaajor move with my bf when we moved in together. He lived about 3+hrs away.. but the drive back ended up taking us 9hrs! Hahaha.. man, talk about a nightmare move though.. lol.. holy tamoles..

First, over a two week period all the uhaul locations around where he lived were completely rented out except for 1 that had the trailer we wanted but was a 2hr drive away. Then, halfway to Portland (while on the highway!) we get a blown tire on my bf's big truck thats pulling the uhaul. (I was driving my own car behind him.. thank goodness). The weather that day was 95, and yeah.. lemme tell you I was not little miss happy.. ;) :p. Lol. So we get the spare tire put on after an agonizing trial and error with figuring out how to lower the spare up under his truck's frame and guess what? Now his truck won't start :dancingorig:

So I call AAA to come tow us (it was now about 8pm.. we left at 5pm) but they can't come for another 3 hours. Apparently on that day there was a shortage of towers wanting to do their job ;). So at 11pm they arrive and we tow the truck to the closest town's mechanic and leave it there over the weekend to get fixed on monday and we move as much as we can into my coupe and drive my car the rest of the two hours home. I never knew so much stuff could be crammed into my little car.. haha. Finally at 2am we get home and stumble to bed.... at last. :thud:

Hehe, pretty crazy huh? Good thing we won't be moving for a long time (and that Max stayed home that day!) ;)

Athena & Max
I have barely been on the past few weeks. With moving, then starting the new job while trying to unpack and clean. Crazy!!!!!
I've noticed it's been a bit slow too, I wish we had nice weather here, I am soooo sick of rain.:faint:I miss those sunny warm days spent outside,even Ruby and Millie are annoyed (they love the sun!)The only plus is I haven't had to worry about the buns getting to hot this year!:cool:
AngelnSnuffy wrote:
I love your new avatar too! The little nose twitching, aww.
Thanks! I thought I'd have something different for a while. :biggrin2:

Athena that sounds crazy!! :shock:Moving shouldn't be that stressful! lol


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