I think I found a horse farm very close that has hay bales for $5. Is that good? Everything is snowy and wet right now. SO I am going to give them a call this week to find out what mix they have. It should just be timothy right? That is all I give him now. It is so expensive to buy at the store!
Now, how big is a bale? lol
Depends on the source... could be anywhere from 50-110 lbs or so. Regardless, it's hands-down the cheapest way to feed a bunny (and tends to be fresher than pet store stuff anyway, at a fraction of the cost). ANY horse-quality grass hay is suitable for adult rabbits, though with "cereal" types like oat, wheat, rye, etc. you need to remove the seed heads (oats or w/e) before feeding it, as the excess carbs are very unhealthy and can even cause GI stasis. Legume hays (alfalfa, clover, etc.) should only be fed to juveniles or breeding does.
Pet store hay is typically $3-8 per pound; bales of hay are usually around 7-10 lbs for $1. If you're feeding one rabbit for 10 years, you'll save around $3000 total by buying bales of hay instead of pet store bags (and that's assuming you'd get the $3 a lb bags)!