I remember a lot about the dad we got Flopsy and Fuffy.
My mom picked me upafter school on sunny December2001 tuesday afternoon. I had been begging to go to the pet store forweeks. So she surprised me by driving me and my sister to the mallinstead of home. Then we walked to the petstore. While me and my sisterwhere looking at the puppies Mom was lookings at the bunnies. "Girlswhy don't you look at the bunnies. Breanna (my sister) asked a shopworker if yshe could hold the grey rabbit, wild looking marks(anertherland dwarf). I picked up a black one. We held the buns and letthem hop around the store (there wasen't many people there that day.you can bet though that the worker was at my moms sisde telling her howeasy they were to train). We begged mom if we could keep them. Shefinally gave in, but we had to call my dad and see if it was ok withhim.... he was easy. Then the manger came and my mom told him that wewanted to rabbits of the same sex.
Mom said that we we going to deffiently get the nertherland (as youmight have geussed which is Fluffy) The manger turned Fluffy over andtold us the he was a girl. Then he took the bunny I hadand flipped him over and said that he was a boy. So I had to put himback. And then I picked up what I think was a white holland lop whitebrown and black markings. I loved that bunny too. He was adorable. Themanger flipped him over too and said "hes a boy too". So then I pick upanother black long hair bunny and he told us that I picked a girl.Meand Bre let the buns hop around and I picked up Flopsy andput him in a dog dish. thats how small he was.
When we got home we let them run around the bouns room. And I said I amgoing to name he Fluffy. And Bre goes no thats what I'm going myrabbit. Well we could have to raabits name the same thing so I namedFlospy, Flopsy.
A year later the bunnys start "showing affection" for each other. Somom and I found an vet. We took them and he told us that they whereboth boys. We burst out laughing. The petstore told us that they wereboth girls. Then when they started trying to give "love" to each other.We thought that Fluffy was a boy and Flopsy was agirl. Know we knowthat they are both boys. They are neutured now so we don't have toworry anymore.