When your pet warns you

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Mar 4, 2004
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Tonight, I put in a load of laundry and sat down to watch a newsmagazine show. Fauna was in her cage with the door open, eating hay;and Tucker was 'somewhere' in the place.

I was really focused on the show, when Tucker came darting into theliving room and stopped in front of me and stared at me. I figured thathe probably started to get himself into trouble and it backfired on himand scared him. Laughed it off thinking that he got caught without mehaving to do anying. I 'coo-cooed' him and offered him to join me andhave a bite of his Honey Stick, which he never turns down.

He remained as stiff as a board with his eyes as bright and wide as afull moon. I got up and went over to where he had run in from andnoticed that the plug on the washing machine had fallen in and waterwas beginning to overflow.

If Tucker hadn't run in the room and warned me the way he did, itwould've been a huge mess because it's raining outside and I was sointo the show that I was oblivious to things around me.

Have any of your pets or animals ever warned you when something's wrong?

My parents cat once screamed out when someone was trying to break intoour house. I don't want to think of what could've happened if that catwasn't in the house to warn us.

My dog Lady always warned us when something waswrong. One summer we got hit with the remnants of a hurricane ( iforget which hurricane it was) but we had the umbrella in the outsidetable at the time. It was closed, but the wind was soo strong that itpicked up the umbrella right out of it's stand & opened it &sent it sailing across the yard before it eventually landed in thepool. We have a pair of sliding doors that lookout into the back yard& Lady's favorite place was to lay infront of them & watchoutside, well she sat there barking & howling the whole time thiswas going on. My parents just figured branches or whatever were blowingaround since it was windy, but sure enough when we checked there wasthe umbrella wide open & laying in the pool!

Also when i was just a baby, in the middle of the night i got real sick& had an extremely high temperature.. it was so high that my bodywas actually going into convulsions(not sure how you spell it). The dogmy parents had when they were first married came in & then wentinto my parents bedroom, jumped on their bed & wouldn't leave themalone until they woke up, then she darted into my bedroom making suremy parents followed. It was a good thing she did that, i had to berushed to the emergency room she literally saved my life!
Well Carolyn, mine haven't quite done that, but Mocha has tried to "save me" so to speak.

Last summer when my boys were bonded Mocha took the liberty of being abig brother to Spice when a bird was around. They dug this big holeunder their little house in the run and when they heard a bird, Mochawould stand on his hind feet and thump and then nip at Spice's bum (hehated this) until Spice disappeared under the box. Well Mocha did thisto me too. :shock:He would nip at my ankles until I movedclose to their hiding spot, but once I stopped he would do this again.Sooner or later I ave up and went inside, never did I see him disappearunder that little house until I was out of his sight, quite cute really.

I do have a story of my sisters Golden Retriever trying to save them,even if there was no real danger. A few weeks back Maggie started goingnuts in their backyard, whining, barking, scratching at the door andall together panicking which is unlike her. My sister put her at theback door with a baby gate set up so she had restricted access to thehouse, well suddenly Maggie jumped the baby gate and ran to my sisterand her husband. They tried to go out the back door to check what waswrong but Maggie was growling and actually tried to bite when theytried. Soon they figure out someone had been shooting off a gun in thedistance and Maggie had been trying to save them from potential danger.I'm sure they feel glad knowing the dog will protect them though. :)
Just a couple weeks ago i got up before the kidsand my cat was begging for canned food. The vet spoiled her. So my dogblue is barking at her and pawing trying to get her. Then i leave theroom and soon after she does too, and she comes to me barking and thenruns into the kitchen. The burner on the stove was on. She must havedone it but then warned me about it. So i was thinking of lassie eventhough she caused the problem. Lets just hope she wasnt trying to burnthe kitty for not sharing. haha :)

I was making this steak type stuff about a monthago and had it in the oven. I was in the other room and thetimer didnt go off when it was supossed to (it doesnt always workright) and they started to burn. My cat nilla cam into theroom I was in and stating crying and whining and told me to follow her(I know cat talk pretty well) and she took me into the kitchen and satin front of the stove and whinned. Then I remembered and tookem out.

Ok, so she didnt save me but she didnt let my steaks burn. But then again she probably just wanted some lol. :p

Sorry thats not the greatest story. But hey, you asked.
Hmmmmmmm *thinks hard* I think my mum would havestories like that. Well i probably do as well. OH OH!! I remember now!My dog once bit someone when they fell over him... *thinks* wait aminute. Nope no rescue stories here!
when i was 15 my dad bought me an arabian horseher name was jordan. and i was walking her around the fenceline showingher the electric fence when we go to a narow part and i fell down thehill into a maltafloral rose bush (OUCH) taking jordan with me there iwas lying in the rose bush with a 1500 pound animal standingover top of me our legs were intertwind somehow and she juststood there stiff as a bored untill my dadhelped me up.

on another occassion jorden and i where going for our dailyride .i sadlled her up and took her to the feild where i warmed her upi got on and kissed for her to start running (jorden is what you wouldcall a push button horse which means she would do anythingyou want when you asked, sometimes i would sneeze when i was riding herand she would mistake it for the kissing noise and take off) she juststood there so im like jorden and gave her a little kick stood therelike a rock so i continued kicking her and as i did my salld and mefell right off.she new that if she would have ran i would have beenseriously hurt.i love her!!!!! and miss her very much we truley had abond that is seldomly achieved with humans and animals

Well, my pets aren't exactly heroic, but here's an example of my dog Biscuit's "act of heroism".

Biscuit never liked water and is terrified of people in our pool. Oneearlyevening, we had him on our pool deck and we (my family)were all swimming. Biscuit was freaking out and kept running around thepool. Then he stops where my younger sister (8 or 9 at thetime)was and leaps into the pool and tries to save her eventhough she was fine. He's such a worry wart sometimes. By the way, Ihad to save him. :disgust:
We had a Lab when I was growing up who tried tosave my little sister when we were swimming in a lake. Wewere both good swimmers, but the water was deep where we were jumpingoff the end of a boat dock. When my sister jumped out, with ablow-up ring floatie around her, the dog jumped in, clamped his teetharound that floatie (deflating it), and pulled her back to shore, mysister kicking and screaming the whole way. She was mad,lol. But he thought that water was too deep for her, I guess.

I also had a Lab who never ever barked, except for one time when acable guy came into my apartment to fix the cable.Normally, she was super friendly to anyone and everyone. Butthere was something about this guy I guess she sensed, and she growledand snarled at him the whole time he was there. I held ontoher collar, but didn't hush her. And boy did he looknervous...he couldn't get out of there fast enough. It wasthe only time she ever growled or barked at anyone.

Great stories!!

Lenci was good for opening our eyes to mice in the house. Wealways knew when there were mice because she'd thump really loud forover an hour. She did not like mice.
I have a similar story about a horse.I didn't own him but I used to go riding at a local stables everyweek. I was out on a hack with a few other girls.We were trotting along a country road and gave the command to begin tocanter. All the other horses ran off but mine stopped deadwhich was not like him. He wasn't trying to eat the bushes or refuse orturn round, he just stood dead still while I tried to get him movingbefore we got left behind. Then the saddle of the horse infront of us slipped off and the girl fell onto the road behind thehorse. As soon as it happened my horse began to walk forwardagain.The girl was not hurt but if we had been canteringalong behind I don't know if we could have stopped in time. Ithink the horse sensed the danger.
We have our german shepard/golden retriever dogSamantha. So over protective of us especially me and the animals. WellI took her for a night walk that she loves to do and some guy wasdancing to his music. Well Samantha kept growling and trying to chargeat him. The guy told me to stop her and I said no cause she don't likeyou and Samantha almost bit him. She can sense someone who is not saveand will growl and bark. She usually don't bark at all. But she is abig fraidy cat of water,rain and thunderstorms.
Two summers ago, my mom and dad were ready to goout for dinner so they left the garage door open. My dad had jsut camein from work and was gettign ready to go out so we just kept the garagedoor open. About ten minutes aftermy dad had coem home, mylittle dog started barking like mad running all over the house. My momthought he had jsut gotten excited over something so she tried to hushhim. He wouldn't stop so my mom followed him downstairs and opened thedoor to the garage. Just as she was saying "Now what do you want?" Shesaw someone wandering in our garage. My mom was startled and she asked"Can I help you?!" The guy took off running and hopped into a car andsped off. He had taken a generater (we still have no clue how he couldahve managed to fit it in that little car!) and a chainsaw. Afterreading the otehr posts that have lives involved, this is no match asit would have just been items we had lost, but still if it wasn't forour dog, those little dirt bags would ahve gotten away with more!

I strongly believe that animals are gifts from God for a purpose insomeones life. I've read or seen lots of stories in whitch animals havehelped out!
We had just moved in here. Nothing butthe living room and kitchen were bunny proofed so that's where Apollowould have his run time.

I was pretty sick at the time. I would find out later just how sick. Igot up and got Jeremy off to school. I just kept feeling worse andworse, so after two hours of play time, I put Apollo in his cage. Itook two Nyquil, which knock me out, and I went to bed.

I woke up at one point and heard or thought I heard a weirdthumping. I propped myself back up and went back to sleep. I heard itagain and figured I was dreaming and back to sleep I went.

Some time later I woke up to Apollo on my chest nudging me inthe face. I woke up just gasping for air. I had slid down off thepillows and couldn't breathe. I sat back up and was instantly asleep.This went on again and again for I don't even know how long.

The rest of this I learned later. Dale got home and saw me inbed with Apollo laying at my side facing my face. I quit breathing andbefore he could react, Apollo jumped up, stood on my chest and nudgedme awake. Dale came and asked if I was alright. He felt me and rushedme to the hospital. I had walking pneumonia and a 104.2*F fever. Allthe coughing had aggravated my asthma pretty bad and that's why I quitbreathing.

He had broken the latch on his cage. He went through a part ofthe house he had never been in. He never messed with a single thing,wires included. He beelined straight for me.

He will always be my hero.

Wow Tina I am so glad that Apollo found awayout of his cage to make sure you are ok. If it was not for Apollo youwould have been far off worst.

What a true blessing Tina

Angel and MeatHead
I will always wonder if the Tazmanian Devil wasa cancer sniffing cat. Taz was always a lap cat.She would sit by the hour and purr. Then one day she startedhead butting me in the chest and she wouldn't stop. I wouldturn her around or put her off my lap and she would come back and startthe head butting, always in the same place. After weeks ofthis I was getting annoyed about.

Then I saw this show on one of the Christian channels about a womanwhose dog started constantly nosing her in the chest and wouldn'tquit. She was also annoyed by it likeme.Then she heard about dogs who can literallysmall cancer. She went to the doctor, insisted ontestsand discovered she had breast cancer right where the dogwas nosing her. Prompt treatment saved her life.

I hadn't been feeling good either and had been to 3 doctors tellingthem I was tired and something was wrong and all they said wasthatI must be stressed, depressed, blah, blah,blah..... they either blamed it on my job , being female ormy age. So I went to a new doctor and told him how I felt andthat I knew it wasn't 'in my head'. I even told him about Tazhead butting me in the chest and he didn't take it as a joke or laughat me. Instead he sent me for tests which discovered I had ararer form of breast cancer exactly where Taz had been head butting me.

After three surgeries and many, many months of nasty treatment I wascancer free and Taz no longer head butted me in the chest. InJuly I celebrated 2 years of being cancer-free. Taz passedaway lastfall at the ancient age of 22 years. Shehad cancer in her intestines and it wasn't treatable.

Idon't talk about cancer much because I would rather move onwith my life. My cancer surgeon and the oncologist told me ifI had not discovered the cancer when I did, it could have easily spreadto my bones, my brain, etc. I firmly believe Taz was'annoying' mebecause she knew something was wrong.Maybe that was her version of a 'cat scan'. If your pet'speaks', please listen!


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