When does everybody go back to school?

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For the inquiring mind.....

"Labor Day is a nationallegal holiday that is over 100 years old. Over the years, it hasevolved from a purely labor union celebration into a general "lastfling of summer" festival.

It grew out of a celebration and parade in honor of the workingclass by the Knights of Labor in 1882 in New York. In 1884, the Knightsheld a large parade in New York City celebrating the working class. Theparade was held on the first Monday in September. The Knights passed aresolution to hold all future parades on the same day, designated bythem as Labor Day.
The Socialist Party held a similar celebration of the workingclass on May 1. This date eventually became known as May Day, and wascelebrated by Socialists and Communists in commemoration of the workingman. In the U.S., the first Monday in September was selected to rejectany identification with Communism.
In the late 1880's, labor organizations began to lobby variousstate legislatures for recognition of Labor Day as an official stateholiday. The first states to declare it a state holiday in, 1887, wereOregon, Colorado, New York, Massachusetts, and New Jersey. Then in1894, Congress passed a law recognizing Labor Day as an officialnational holiday.
Today, Labor Day is observed not only in the U.S. but also inCanada, and in other industrialized nations. While it is a generalholiday in the United States, its roots in the working class remainclearer in European countries.
It has come to be recognized in the U.S. not only as acelebration of the working class, but even more so as the unofficialend of the summer season. In the northern half of the U.S. at least,the summer vacation season begins with Memorial Day and ends with LaborDay.
Many colleges and some secondary and elementary schools begin classes immediately after Labor Day.
State parks, swimming pools, and campgrounds are all quite busyon Labor Day, as vacationers take one last advantage of the waning hotseason. September is the month that marks the beginning of autumn. And,because of that, the average daytime maximum temperatures take a plungeduring the month in most of the U.S. "
:yeahthat Basically just another dayoff... :D. Except for the whole starting school after thing,yeah, that would be too nice. I've got two barbecues I'mgoing to over the weekend. One is a bbq for my dad's firmthat we have every year, the other is at a friend of my dad's house onthe beach. Hopefully it'll still be warm enough to swim atboth.
Ugh..I start this Thursday, the 31st!!

I already have my bachellors degree, but Im going back (after 2 yearsoff..yikes!) to get my teaching certificate. Its hard to getback in that school mode after being off for two years.

The one good thing is that I have 3 of my 4 classes online..which makes working full time much easier :)
School around here starts the first Monday afterour county fair for 6 out of the 7 schools in the county. Theschool district were the fair is held starts the first Tuesday afterfair. I guess they think they are special and need an extra day torecoop even though majority of the fair attenders are from the other 6counties.

So school started today for our district. It was so weird hearing aschool bus and knowing my brother was driving to school for the firsttime.

My 2 online courses start September 6th were I'm taking a CustomerService and Microsoft Access class. My English Composition II coursestarts September 11th as it's a class that meets once a week.I'mstarting my 3rdFall Quarter and feel like I'mgettingno where! I've been taking lightquarterswith 10 credits or soand every so often taking a quarter off.I did the common thing and changed my degree so I've got 63 creditsleft till graduation. Well 55 after this quarter so I'm half way there.:?
missyscove wrote:
Except for the whole starting school after thing, yeah, thatwould be too nice. I've got two barbecues I'm going to overthe weekend.

"Back to school"..:laugh:......just wait!

A lot of us are just going "back to work" after a "long weekend".
***veeeeerrry small "woohoo" icon entered here***

At least it's not another "Hallmark" holiday ;)....no cards to send.

It's the weekend when we try to melt down the grill by using it non-stop for up to 72 hours.
....and drink lots of beer.:toastingbuns(Shirley Temple's for the minors.)
....and eat enough food to last us through the winter. :eats

....and play loud music :trio

....and shoot off fireworks :magicwand:

....annnnd pick on our kids because they have to go back to school.:brat:(jk!) it's a parent perk!

Enjoy while you can!!


JimD wrote:
....and drink lots ofbeer.:toastingbuns(Shirley Temple's for the minors.)

I actually prefer having sparkling cider, while everyone else is havingchampagne. I can easily finish off a bottle of cider bymyself, so good.
missyscove wrote:
JimD wrote:
....and drinklots of beer.:toastingbuns(Shirley Temple's for theminors.)

I actually prefer having sparkling cider, while everyone else is havingchampagne. I can easily finish off a bottle of cider bymyself, so good.
All kidding aside...I admire that!
Technically, I go back September 5th ...But Ireally don't do much until after fair is over (one of the perks ofhomeschooling: I can take the week off for fair). This year, however,I'm taking a couple classes at the local community college, so I won'tbe able to avoid school completely for the week of the fair, but I canget pretty darn close :)