I agree with everyone else, go ahead and get her spayed so you will hopefully avoid the aggression. I got Alaska second hand and she was already 7 months old when I brought her home, she got spayed 3 months later. She was OBSESSED with tearing up the carpet and chewing the baseboards and taking out all of her...um...frustrations on a stuffed ball that she would drag around with her. Once she was spayed she left the carpet and baseboards alone and wanted nothing to do with her ball, but she did want more attention from humans. It really is a win-win situation. You will be happier because she's better behaved and she'll be happier because she won't have those raging hormones to deal with. As for the smell, I don't mind it either, it does smell slightly "skunky" but shedidn't smell like that all the time. I still smell it every now and then, usually when someone tries to invade "her" space be it rabbit or human, she'll charge and grunt and a second later "eau de bunny" will be in the air.