I love pet stores for selling supplies; hate them for selling pets. There are ZERO pet stores around here that don't sell live animals, and it frustrates me to no end. I generally try to buy from our local store, because even though they do sell animals, they're primarily an aquarium company and sell mostly fish, some reptiles, and feeder mice/rats. BUT when they do sell animals, they give out proper information and aren't just in it for the sale; I've talked to the people there about getting a snake and instead of pushing and pushing for it, after we considered it for about ten minutes (and I got really weirded out about feeding them rats, which I have kept as pets), they just said "Honestly, I really don't think reptiles are FOR you." They recognized that reptiles are just not a good fit for me and they didn't keep pushing the sale, and I respect that. They were looking out for the good of that animal and of myself.