Well-Known Member
MissBea wrote:
Well Miss Bea, my girls are always getting into trouble for stealingthe new treats that human mum has bought for us. When me and my 3 girlsget let out to run around as soon as she leaves our plan goes intoaction, i send them up on top of the hutches where mum keeps thetreats, they find them and throw them down and then we feast. Obviouslyi would go up there myself but you could picture the sight of apregnant french lop mountain climbing couldn't you? Mum is alwaysangry, but she should hide them better then shouldn't she? But once shesaid she couldn't be angry because we found stuff for her that sheforgot she even had, and i do say had, it wasn't there whenshecame back. PS don't tell human mum that i planthe raids i haven't got the blame yet!
So does anyone else steal the fruit loops bag (or yogurttreat bag or craisins bag) like a certain flemish giant I know?
Not naming any names.....T-NY.
Miss Bea
Well Miss Bea, my girls are always getting into trouble for stealingthe new treats that human mum has bought for us. When me and my 3 girlsget let out to run around as soon as she leaves our plan goes intoaction, i send them up on top of the hutches where mum keeps thetreats, they find them and throw them down and then we feast. Obviouslyi would go up there myself but you could picture the sight of apregnant french lop mountain climbing couldn't you? Mum is alwaysangry, but she should hide them better then shouldn't she? But once shesaid she couldn't be angry because we found stuff for her that sheforgot she even had, and i do say had, it wasn't there whenshecame back. PS don't tell human mum that i planthe raids i haven't got the blame yet!