Whats your favorite treats?

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MissBea wrote:
So does anyone else steal the fruit loops bag (or yogurttreat bag or craisins bag) like a certain flemish giant I know?

Not naming any names.....T-NY.

Miss Bea

Well Miss Bea, my girls are always getting into trouble for stealingthe new treats that human mum has bought for us. When me and my 3 girlsget let out to run around as soon as she leaves our plan goes intoaction, i send them up on top of the hutches where mum keeps thetreats, they find them and throw them down and then we feast. Obviouslyi would go up there myself but you could picture the sight of apregnant french lop mountain climbing couldn't you? Mum is alwaysangry, but she should hide them better then shouldn't she? But once shesaid she couldn't be angry because we found stuff for her that sheforgot she even had, and i do say had, it wasn't there whenshecame back:D. PS don't tell human mum that i planthe raids i haven't got the blame yet!



Attention Daisy & Dusty!! Please report your favorite treats to your mama...:)

I got the recipe for you all to give to your people.

Bunny Cookies

  • 1/4c. rolled oats, ground fine
  • 1/4c. pellets, ground fine
  • 1 small carrot, pureed
  • 1 banana, smashed
  • 1 tsp honey
Pre heat oven to 350. Mix all ingredients together. Spoon onto panlined with parchment. Cook for 20 minutes. Turn off oven and let sit inwarm oven for 1 hour. Store in a tupperware container. If you put themin a baggie, they get moldy.

These are AWESOME treats. Trust me you want to convince your human tomake these for you. My human wanted to spoil me when she first got meand modified this recipe from one she found online. She says that it isMUCH easier and less messy this way.


Apples, apples, apples! I haven't tried bananasyet, maybe i'll have to get my human to give me some. They sound tasty!And definately the bunny cookies!

- Dusty
dis is georgie bunny...mommie (why you all callyou's people slaves?) gives me apples when i's reeeeeel good. i dunnowat craisins are. but mommie gived me a raisin de ofer day...it wasyuuummmmmmmmie. mommie has chinchiwwas an dey wike raisins too. wat's acheer-ee-o? i dont fink i's bein spoiled enuf...everywon else is gittinyummies but not me!

This is Georgie's mom...he has his own username now!!
Definitely try bananas...and don't forget thepeel too...I think the fiber is supposed to be good for you - but thepeel is SO yummy.

The BunFather

DustyBunny wrote:
Apples, apples, apples!I haven't tried bananas yet, maybe i'll have to get my human to give mesome. They sound tasty! And definately the bunny cookies!

- Dusty

Thanks for the recipe - I'm gonna suggest that mom try it soon.

Any idea how long it lasts without going bad? Like can I eat it over 3 or 4 days or do I have to eat it sooner than that?

The BunFather
mommie sed i need to work on my spelling andpronunceation so i's gonna try heer. i gotted a cheer-ee-o yestirday!AND a freeeze-dride mango. dey were sooooo yummie!! i tolded mommie watyou alls sed about those tweats...i'm gonna git mommie to give mebanana tonite!

My human made me some treats about a month ago, all of them areperfectly fine still. Can you believe she won't give me morethan2 a day?!:growl:They are fine as long as you don't putthem in baggies. For some reason that makes them moldy much quicker.She told me the hour in the oven helps dry them out, if they still lookkinda moist, you can always put them back in the warm oven for another10 minutes. She uses the gladware containers when they are done, I gocrazy when I hear her open the lid! :hyper:She even fools mesometimes, she keeps Q-Tips in a container just like my cookies.

I hope that you like them. My human like making them because shedoesn't have to go to thestore and buy anything, she haseverything on hand already.

Oooh - bananas rock.

Do you know that our Walmart stopped carrying yogurt treats for us? I'mtrying to figure out where to write my letter of protest....

Miss Bea

chinmom wrote:
mommie sed i need to workon my spelling and pronunceation so i's gonna try heer. i gotted acheer-ee-o yestirday! AND a freeeze-dride mango. dey were soooooyummie!! i tolded mommie wat you alls sed about those tweats...i'mgonna git mommie to give me banana tonite!
Bunfather's been really busy lately but hehasn't gotten mama to make any cookies at all. I think he should gobite breeder mama on the toe.

But we wanted to share our favorite treats...

From Dusty: anything - but especially fruit loops

From Drew:

[align=center]Fruit loops...

'cause they make me wanna sing....and shout....
and dance...
and binky!

fruit loops! fruit loops! fruit loops and MORE fruit loops!

I looooooooove Yogurt Snaps!! Unfortuantly, mum rarely buys them, causetoo many can cause this problem called "Bladdwer Swudge."

Beleive it or not - I just like my pellets more than any food.
i gotted a RAZBERRY last nite! i really thoughti dieded and went to bunny heaven. it wuz even better than bananas andcarrots.......mmmmm.......i can still taste it........i wonder if i'mreally good if mommie will gived me another ones tonite......

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