What's your favorite movie(s)?

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I don't think I'veseen a movie since I got rabbits!! But from what I remember of my past life...

Citizen Kane
Mystic River
Shawshank Redemption
Harold and Maude
The Shipping News
Pirates of the Caribbean
Edward Scissorhands
What's Eating Gilbert Grape
Nightmare Before Christmas
Phantom of the Paradise
The Hours
Pulp Fiction
The Player
This is Spinal Tap
Usual Suspects
A Christmas Story
The Sixth Sense
Once Upon A Time In The West
Silence of the Lambs
All the President's Men

And a movie that I thought was awesome but could never watch again because it was too traumatic...

Dances With Wolves

sas :?
OMG! How could I forget Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas? :disgust:
Snowballbunnie wrote:
Full Metal Jacket

Willie Wonka (70's)

O' Brother

Star Trek (all)

Star wars (all)

John Wayne ( all)

Jackie Chan (all)

Take out the first Star Trek movie, the Johne Wayne movies, and the newest three Star Wars and I say :censored2 yeah!

And Dark City and Usual Suspects are awesome!

Some more I thought of:
Get Shorty
Clerks, Mallrats, and Dogma
Hudson Hawk
Lord of the Rings
Dark Crystal
Boondock Saints
The Goonies
And Dark City and Usual Suspects are awesome!

Some more I thought of:

Clerks, Mallrats, and Dogma ...
Yeah, mine are in no particular order, otherwise Usual Suspects wouldbe right up there! And that reminds me, I forgot the twoX-Men movies, also Bryan Singer, both excellent!

And I LOVE Kevin Smith! Especially Dogma.:) (Could live without Chasing Amy, although Ifound thecast to begreat eye candy).:love:

(Too bad we're not closer, we could hang out). ;)

Might as well take the opportunity to add some more.... (Onlylisting commercial ones that people would have heard of, btw).

Man Who Fell To Earth
Saving Private Ryan
Coal Miners Daughter
and I have to add Dead Poets Society to great movies I can't watch again.
