What's your favorite kind of rabbit?

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ilovetegocalderon wrote:
wow, beautiful rabbit. however, one thing i forgotto mention - i was also kinda hoping for floppy ears, so somesort of lop....
Then you definitely might want to conside the English lop. I cannotwrite a whole lot about the breed, since my only 'hands-on' experiencewith them has been with Raphael, but according to all I had read aboutthem before purchasing him, they seem to live up to the reputation ofbeing very gentle, very personable. Raph is extremely laid-back;my dog (who has a very loud bark) will sometimes yap at something whenshe is near him, and he barely flinches...he will actually hop right upto her as if to say, 'What the heck is the matter with you?' And when Ihad my other rabbit, Scooby, who was a Netherland Dwarf mix...Raphtried to constantly snuggle up to him between the wire. (Scooby, on theother hand, would get overly-amorous and run wildly about when he sawRaph.)

English lops do need to live indoors in the winter, however, if theweather is extremely cold and their outdoor cages aren't heated (theirears tend to be fragile). If you want to know more about them, there isan English lop breeder on this forum (Garden Flowers Rabbitry). Shewould know more than I do about the breed...
My favorite breed is the one that's begging forpetting (or tugging on my pants legs in Sprite's case) at anyparticular moment.:D There are a lot of really cool breedsout there, but I adopted with an open mind and was very pleased withthe results.
I would suggest a Flemish giant, too. But like everyone else said, it all depends on the personality.
And I know Californians are usually used for meat :( but Ifind them adorable and pretty relaxed, atleast the ones I see at fair.I don't know too much about them, so I couldn't give very accurateinformation.
Does anyone own a Californian?
I have to put in a word for mixed breeds. I just love how they are so unique.
My New Zealand is the biggest sweetie pie and awesome with kids. My Flemish is gentle but very shy. My smallest bunny is my busiest bun. My minilop is a little bugger, but I think it is because he is young. My fuzzy lop is laid back and awesome. He loves our dog and likes to snitch my 3 year old's toys for himself. You have to like grooming an awful lot, because of the hair. I'm always brushing him. Here is his picture.
For the traits you're looking for (larger, lop-eared, laid-back), it sounds like an English Lop would be perfect for you.:) From everything I've seen and heard about them from people who have them, it's got to be one of my favorite breeds, and I hope to have one someday.

I also adore French, Holland and fuzzy Lops! And rex, Flemish, angoras, woolies, lionheads, and...and...mutts...and...hehe
Can you tell, I love them ALL? :bunny2
I started researching buns many months ago, after deciding that I wanted one to join our home. I think my favourite breed would be the Flemish Giant, because of how big and goofy they are. I'm sure that one day we will eventually get one.

Less than a month ago, when we finally were fully ready to get a rabbit, I started contacting and going to local shelters, and immediately fell in love with Moo Shoo, who we soon took home. I knew very little about what breed he was, but he was asthetically stunning, incredibly soft, and exceptionally mellow and friendly. After getting him home and looking through breeds, I realized he was a Rex, known for their uniquely plush fur. He's also a tortoiseshell colouring, which is extremely pretty and made him stand out. What finalized his coming with us (a week after we initially met him) was his mellow disposition, he was easy to handle, gentle.. etc. He had been at the shelter for over 3 months, and was a year old. It was just meant to be. I think adopting is such a wonderful thing to do, look up your local shelters online and see what rabbits they have, before making your final choice. There's bound to be one to catch your heart! :)
I would strongly recommend Dutch rabbits. For me, they are my pride in the shows, but they make great pets and are sold in Pet Shops often. I never get my rabbits from pet shops, I always get them (pedigrees included) from breeders, but the ones at pet shops are kinda cute because they have so many messed up markings, like striped saddles and unalligned (sp?) blazes. In one of my Dutch litters, I had a mismark that looked like Hamtaro, and in another, I had a Dutch that looked like a Hotot. If I had rabbits as pets and there was no such thing as shows and breeding, I would love to get a mismarked Dutch! (but I'm in search of perfection, so I can't:?)They don't need much grooming because their fur is fairly short (yet soft). They are athletic and slim and love people. They are overall social rabbits. Think about it!

If you want a lop, try getting a breeder to mix a Holland lop and a Dutch. That would be an ADORABLE hybrid.
[suB]I hope you find the rabbit you're looking for. If you need to know anything about Dutch rabbits, You can ask me. [/suB]
Nessa1487 wrote:
loplover wrote:
Holland Lop- how can you not love their cute little faces.
Ditto. That's what I have...He's sucha cutie pie. (Even when he gets in trouble.lol)

hurray for holland lops!

but, i would think any bunny is a good choice! im sure the right bunny will pick you!

