Bo B Bunny
Well-Known Member
m.e. wrote:
Yes! Today I came home to a major mess! It seems he wasn'thappy with me because I had to go to work and he didn't get playtimethis morning. :Xhehehehehehehe. . . . Bo B. Bunnitude is more like it, eh?
Cardboard and hay were all over the floor as far as he could "pitch" itthrough the cage and his hay rack was down, he had hay from one end ofhis cage to the other and all over himself! It looked like hehad some wild party going on! :shock:
Of course, this evening, he spent a long time snuggling on me and thengot down and ran all over for about an hour, binkied about a zilliontimes and came up to me for a kiss...... I'm mush again.