Whats your buns fav. Toy & Treat?

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Coffee loves it when I slice her carrots with that peeler thing. Nice thin slices of carrots. She also has this metal ball thing with a bell on it hanging on her cage. I can put stuff in there but she likes it better when it's empty.
Elmo in his favorite toy:


I'm glad he has inexpensive tastes... :)
:biggrin:My bunnie's fav toy was sticks. lol. I got him a plastic water bottle and he likes to chew on that but I dont think he is suppose to eat plastic so i got a matal cap to go on it, so that he can't chew on it.:wink
Ok new favorite toy for Thor-plastic cup like the ones form 7-11. His new favorite treat? Craisens

Smooch? He loves anything cardboard to play with and his favorite treat? He is too young for treats but I slipped him a craisen and he went BONKERS!! More more more!!!!

Kramer? he does not like anything but his different variety of hays and his pellets. He wont touch anything else.
His favorite toy? Baby bunny toy rattle like thing. The one with the 2 carrots and a bunny face and his big nut with the little coarse strings at both ends. He whips that thing all over his cage with pride.
My hazel-rah's favourite snack was banana. He would do -anything- for a little piece of banana. Was so cute! :D
their favorites toys are the smart games and the bunnycondo

I would like to post some pictures here but I don't know how to do, have I to first put them on imageshack.us and after that copy the link here?
Willow's favorite toy would have to be her cardboard hidey box which she loves to redecorate and make new doors and escape routes, she also enjoys chasing our cat! as for her favorite treat its a toss up between yoggies and banana's, she practically does back flips for them, i have even taught her how to take a yoggy treat from between my lips while standing on her hind legs. its do darn cute and she takes it from my lips so gently it so adorable. i could feed her those things all day just to see her do it its so cute!!

Wally loves his tunnel, he zips through it like the indy 500, he also likes to lounge in it. His favorite treat is banana's. i have taught him to stand on his hind legs to get a yoggy too but he is not nearly so delicate as Willow and sometimes he just snatches it out of my hand so i don't dare try the between the lips trick!
I tried cheerios not long ago for my bun but they just laid in the cage. I take that as a no. lol.

Lately Jelly Beans fav. treat is salad. Goes crazy for it. :) His fav. hobbie/ toy is the cardboard bottom in his cage. He is constantly chewing, digging and ripping it to shreds.
Treats- dried papaya, we had a little scare with a blockage in her digestive system and papaya helps break that down and keep a good digestive system so thats what she gets for treats now. she loves her Kale and carrots she gets as her meals too.

Toys- toilet paper rolls and me... if i lay down she uses me as an obstacle course jumping over me and stuff its quite funny and nerve wrecking too... especially when you see a bun coming at your face at what seems like 50 mph at the time...