What would you do?

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SnowyShiloh wrote:
I'm pursuing an Emergency Management degree and will join one of the big city fire departments when I get my degree. In my line of work, it would be absolutely inexcusable to save an animal over a person. I'd be thrown in jail.
That's really interesting because you are looking from a professional point of view, which is a different angle from most on here. Good post :)
I spent 25 years of my life in the service prepared to lay down my life if necessary. I will save a human first (congressman and senators don't count;)) and if possible save an animal. I love animals, especially dogs and rabbits, but I would not give up my life foran animal.
Ive been asked this question before at school.. and i have no answer, both the lives of animals and humans play a very important role in my life but i could NEVER choose.:biggrin2:

-April and Bunbuns
Interesting question...

I would think that my instincts would be to attempt to save the person first, and then the animal. And then if I couldn't save the animal, I'd beat myself up for the rest of my life for not doing so. :?

This question reminds me of my best friend from childhood. Her father, who was extremely emotionally abusive with her (and as it later turned out, was also a child molester...not with her, but with others' children), asked her this very question one day while I was visiting, when they were in the midst of an argument. He said to her, "If I was drowning and your dog was too, who would you save?" Given the way he used to treat her, I wasn't surprised when she told him that of course, she would save her dog. And of course the conversation went downhill from there, as he began another tirade on how terrible a human being she was.

I must admit that having experienced a lot of personal abuse in my life, for many years I did place the value of an animal's life over that of a human's. However, my view did change a while back, and I do tend to think of all life - human and animals - as sacred...no matter how I my personal feelings about the individual person might be. So it would be extremely difficult to find myself in the position of having to choose whom to rescue first...but I suspect it would be the person, and then desperately try to save the animal too.

May we all be blessed with never having to experience the answer firsthand.

*edited for typos ;)
I would have shuffle towards the animals as well...

My boyfriend and I have gotten into arguments over it, but if my buns/mouse/gerbil were stuck in a fire, I know Vince would be be able to get out, but my pets wouldn't.
PixieStixxxx wrote:
I would have shuffle towards the animals as well...

My boyfriend and I have gotten into arguments over it, but if my buns/mouse/gerbil were stuck in a fire, I know Vince would be be able to get out, but my pets wouldn't.
What if he were unconscious?
Bunnys_rule63 wrote:
It depends on the situation I think.... I would save my human family over my animal family, but save my animal family over human strangers. Although to be honest if both my human and animal family were in danger I'd try and save both or die trying - to me my animal family are just furry, four-footedhumans.:D

This is pretty much exactly my answer. :D

since i dont like people much i would save the animals,lol

I am just kidding, or am i :shock:? It would obviously depend on the situation , each situation is different.

The ARA are your extreme side of the fight for animal welfare issues. There are extremist with everything, every welfare group, religion and such, to me their behaviour gets no where fast,and doesnt get anything accomplished in the name of Animals and what is good for them. To me violence doesnt get anywhere when you are trying to get a point across about what you believe.